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1. A. The woman should go on playing chess.
2. D. Mary probably knows Sally’s new address.
3. B. His notes are not easy to read.
4. D. The man had better choose another restaurant.
5. C. He has been looking forward to spring.
6. B. The man appreciates the woman’s help.
7. B. Go to work on foot.
8. A. Temporary closing has disturbed the airport’s operation.

9. C. It has a chemical processing plant.
10. D. He’s a salesman.
11. C. Mr. Grand’s personal assistance.
12. B. Provide details of their products and services.
13. A. She listened to recordings of many European orchestras.
14. D. She began taking violin lessons as a small child.
15. A. It was the chance of a lifetime.

16. What does the speaker say about William Shakespeare?
答案:B) His personal history is little known.
17. What do we learn about Shakespeare's father?
答案:D) He was a member of the town council.
【点评】本题考查事实细节。文章中提到莎士比亚的父亲受人尊敬,是Stratford-on-Avon镇议会的一名成员。选项a member of the town council与原文完全对应。
18. Why does the speaker say parts of Shakespeare's life will remain a mystery?
答案:C) Possible sources of clues about him were lost in a fire.
【点评】本题考查事实细节。文章中提到莎士比亚一部分的生活将永远不为人所知。因为1666年伦敦的一场大火把很多重要文件烧毁了,而这些本来可能是了解莎士比亚的重要线索。所以答案选择Possible sources of clues about him were lost in a fire。


19. What is mentioned as a most common danger when people go travelling abroad?
答案:A) Theft.
20. What is the most important thing to do when you prepare for your trip abroad?
答案:B) Have the right documents.
21. What does the speaker suggest you do when you arrive at your destination?
答案:B) Use official transport.
【点评】文章后提到,到达目的地后要选择乘坐正式的交通工具,不要搭乘陌生人的车。选项use official transport和文中完全一致,所听即所得可得出答案。

22. C) Sell inexpensive products.
23. A) At a meeting of top British businesspeople.
24. D) Insulted.
25. B) There should be a limit to one's sense of humour.
【点评】本次短文3的内容围绕英国人的幽默展开,以一则看似杯具的英国商人Gerald Ratner因开玩笑导致自己原本蒸蒸日上的珠宝店日渐消沉,终丢了公司,丢了工作,还导致大批员工丢失职位的故事,告诉我们开玩笑也要有个度。
从题目设置来看,以细节题为主,23、24的答案直接遵循“所听即所得”的原则,难度并不高。21题的答案为原文的同义转述,如果能听懂sell down market products at the lowest possible prices即能获取答案。25为主旨题,原文首尾的呼应已经提示了答案。

26. prospering
27. decade
28. opposite
29. sustain
30. In simple terms
31. establish
32. reasonably
33. take into account
34. misleading
35. using up

36. H. passively
37. F. harmful
38. I. previously
39. L. surfing
40. C. decade
41. A. climbed
42. G. outcomes
43. E. effective
44. B. consume
45. D. determine

46. F
47. B
48. M
49. C
50. E
51. Q
52. G
53. P
54. J
55. D
46. Some professionals in education are collecting signatures to voice their opposition to automated essay grading.
47. Using software to grade students’ essays saves teachers time for other work.
48. The Hewlett contests aim at improving essay grading software.
49. Though the automated grading system is widely used in multiple-choice tests, automated essay grading is still criticized by many educators.
50. Some people don’t believe the software grading system can do as good a job as human graders.
51. Critics of automated essay scoring do not seem to know the true realities in less famous universities.
52. Critics argue many important aspects of effective writing cannot be measured by computer rating programs.
53. As class size grows, most teachers are unable to give students valuable comments as to how to improve their writing.
54. The automated assessment technology is sometimes used to double check the work of human graders.
55. Students find instant feedback helps improve their learning considerably.

56. B – Well-educated people tend to work longer.
57. B – A rapid technological advance.
58. A – Economic growth will slow down.
59. C – Even wealthy people must work longer to live comfortably in retirement.
60. D – Skills are highly valued regardless of age.
61. C – The decline of the grain yield growth.
62. A – Their self-sufficiency is vital to the stability of world food markets.
63. D – They force more on the increase of animal feed than food grains.
64. D – The world will be able to feed its population without increasing farmland.
65. B – It is based on a doubtful assumption.

  参考范文:The Impact of Mobile Phone Use on Education
  The presented picture reflects a common trend in the way people are educated nowadays. In this picture, the mother is going to walk her son to school. But according to the son, he doesn’t really need to go to school since the phone in his hand already knows everything. The picture reveals the impact of mobile phone use on education.
  Can mobile phone replace traditional class in school? I don’t think so. First of all, students can develop their own way and habit of learning under the guidance of the teachers, which can benefit their life-long learning. Secondly, every subject of education in school is systematic, such as Chinese, mathematics, science and philosophy. Education should not be considered as information fragments that we randomly collect on the mobile phones. Last but not least, students can have exact face-to-face communication with their teachers and classmates, which will help to cultivate their communicative abilities.
  In conclusion, mobile phone use is a convenient way of obtaining information, but it is still necessary that we attend school to get formal education.


  参考译文:In the mind of Westerners, Chinese people have the closest connection to rice, basic food for the Chinese. For a long time, rice occupies a very important position in the Chinese diet. There is even a saying that "even a clever housewife cannot cook a meal without rice". People in south China plant and live on rice, while people in the most parts of North China cannot plant rice due to excessively dry and cold weather. The main crop there is wheat. In China, some people use flour to bake bread, while most people make steamed bread and noodles with flour。

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