

来源:233网校 2017年10月8日


Let me tell you a story about Bert and Mildred Bumbridge, who used to be very forgetful. For example, Mildred would forget to cook dinner, or Bert would show up for work on Sunday thinking it was Monday. One summer, they were to take a long plane trip. What do you suppose happened?

Well, they got to the airport with only ten minutes to spare. In that situation, anyone would board the plane right away. But not Mr. and Mrs. Bumbridge. They just had to buy some flight insurance first.

After all ,who knows what will happen on a plane flight?? They quickly put some coins into a machine and out came their insurance policy. "Who would get the money if we crash, I wonder??" asked Mildred. "My mother,of course," her husband replied. "We´ll mnil the policy to her. Now quick,give me a stamp, will you .9" he said. "The plane is going to take off in another minute. " Bert put the stamp on the envelope, dropped it in the mail box, and suddenly let out a cry. What happened, do you suppose?? He had mailed their plane tickets to his mother!

第36题单选 What did Bert and Mildred get after putting coins into the machine??

A.A stamp.

B.An envelope.

C.Two tickets.

D.Some flight insurance.

第37题单选 What did Bert want to mail to his mother??

A.An empty envelope.

B.Sotne coins.

C.The tickets.

D.The insurance policy.

第38题单选 What was the reason why Mr. Bumbridge made such a foolish mistake at the airport??

A.He had to do everything in a great rush.

B.It was his first flight, and he was very worried about it.

C.He had forgotten to bring a stamp for his mother's letter.

D.He was very worried about his mother.

Very few of our birds stay with us the year round. Some come to us in the winter from the cold north. Others come from the south to spend the summer with us. How do they know the way? Suppose you were told to find your way to a place hundreds of miles away,do you think you could do it?

Yet birds travel over mountains, forests, lakes and even across the oceans, and do not stray from the path. They find their way back in the spring to the same orchard ( 果园) and the very trees where they nested the summer before.

It is wonderful how quickly birds travel such long distances from their summer homes to their winter ones. Some birds have been known to fly hundreds of miles in a day. But others travel much more slowly.

Why do birds undertake these long journeys twice a year? Perhaps cold weather and lack of food drive them from us in the autumn, but we cannot tell why they leave the sunny south to come back to us in the spring. We know only that many of them like to make their nests and rear their young in the north.

We are sorry to see them go, but we know that when winter is over they will come back to us.

第39题单选 In which season do we have most birds to stay with us?

A.In spring.

B.In summer.

C.In winter.

D.We don't know.

第40题单选 The underlined part "stray from the path" means __________.

A.lose its way

B.stay on the path

C.keep away from the path

D.fly along the path

第41题单选 How far do birds usually travel from their summer homes to their winter ones?

A.About hundreds of miles.

B.About thousands of miles.

C.The distance that takes a bird to fly the whole morning.

D.The passage does not tell us.

第42题单选 Why do birds undertake those long journeys twice a year?

A.It is because of cold weather in winter.

B.It is because of lack of food in autumn.

C.It is because of the hot weather in summer.

D.There's some reason that is still not known clearly.






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