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2016年7月20日   来源:233网校 评论 我的做题记录
在线测试本批《每日一练》试题,可查看答案及解析,并保留做题记录 >> 在线做题
  • 第1页:练习试题
1、If you can’t come tomorrow, we’ll ____ have to hold the meeting next week.

2、How about taking _____ short break? I want to make _____ call.
A.the; a
B.a; the
C.the; the
D.a; a



     It may be pointed out that warfare(战争)as practiced by mall has no parallel in nature.
     This is to say that within the more highly developed animal populations of this earth,there is not now.norhas there been similar destruction within a species(物种)itself.In fact,one has to go to the lowliestforms of animal life.such as certain kinds of ants,to find anything comparable to human warfare.It isa curious fact that mankind appears to give the killing of his own kind a good reason by imaging thatit is a“law of nature”.There are now a lot of wrong ideas about the laws of nature,of which this isone of the most incorrect and fateful(致命的).Political beliefs have been based upon it with resultsthat have come near to destroying human civilization.The theory that war is a biological necessity,that it is nature’s method of controlling population and believing in the survival(生存)of the strongand the elimination(灭亡)of the weak,is totally wrong and insupportable.Within the last centur.y,when wave been common all over the world,the human population of the earth has almost doubled.
The main idea of this passage is___________..
A.wadhre is a“law of nature’’
B.Waflare is not a‘‘law of nature’’
C.warfare does not control human population
D.none of the lowlier animals,except ants,practice warfare upon their own species

5、 It was a pity that he missed the meeting__________in London last month.
A.to be held
C.having held
D.to hold

6、 The ship___________at 8:30 ,but it is almost 9:30 now.
A.could have arrived
B.must have arrived
C.should have arrived
D.would have arrived

7、 直线2x-x-1=0与抛物线y2=4x+1的交点坐标为

8、 密度比空气小的某种气态烃A,一定条件下能跟氯化氢发生加成反应,其加成产物还能发生聚合反应,则A的名称是____.

9、 将pH=3的硫酸溶液和pH=10的氢氧化钠溶液相混合,若要使混合后溶液pH=7,则硫酸溶液和氢氧化钠溶液的体积比为_____

10、 过两点A(-1,3)和B(2,-3)的直线的斜率k=__________.

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