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1、 用待定系数法求微分方程Y"-y=xex的一个特解时,特解的形式是(式中a、b是常数)( )
A. (ax2+bx)ex
B. (a,x2+b)ex
C. ax2ex
D. (ax+6)ex
2、根据以下材料,回答问题。During a television play the sound man must be ready to make every sound as it is needed.Sound effects are of three kinds:real,imitated and recorded.
Real sounds are those of doorbells,telephone bells,and other small objects easy to keep in a studio. But the sound man must imitate many sounds. For bacon fryin9,he crumples cellophane paper.A long sheet of metal hanging in a doorway makes thunder·He taps one rubber sink plunger and then another on a table to imitate a horse walking on pavement. For a horse galloping along a gravel road,the sound man can use the two halves of a coconut,pounding each in turn very fast on the table. ♂∮
Recorded sound effects are used for noises he cannot himself produce offstage.He pays records for such sounds as a rooster crowing, a train leaving a station, and a baby crying.
The sound man is an important part of any television production.The sound man is important because he________
A.is kept busy
B.makes fl TV play more lifelike
C.1ets an actor know when to life a telephone receiver
D.is always learning new methods
3、根据下列材料回答第题:Passage Three
People joke that no one in Los Angeles reads;everyone watches TV, rents videos,or goes to the movies.The most popular reading material is comic books,movie magazines,and TV guide s.City libraries have only 10 percent of the traffic that car washes have.But how do you explain this? An annual book festival in west Los Angeles is flourishing year after year.People wait half an hour for a parking space to become available.
This outdoor festival,sponsored by a newspaper,occurs every April for one weekend. This year’ s attendance was estimated at 70,000 on Saturday and 75,000 on Sunday.The festival consisted of 280 exhibitors.There were about 90 talks given by authors,with an audience question-and-answer period foilowing each talk.Autograph(亲笔签名)seekers sought out more than 150 authors.A food court sold all kinds of popular food and diverse foreign foods,from American hamburgers to Hawaiian shave ice drinks.Except for a $7 parking fee,the festival was free.Even so,some people avoided the food court prices by staying away and having their own sandwiches and drinks.
People came from all over Californi
A.One couple drove down from San Francisco.“This is our sixth year here now.We love it,”said the husban
D.“It’s just fantastic to be in the great outdoors,to be mnong so many books and authors,and to get some very good deals,too.”
The idea for the festival occurred years ago,but nobody knew if it would succee
D.Although book festivals were already popular in other US cities,would Los Angeles residents welcome one?“The citizens of the city are very unpredictable,”said one of the festival founders.The underlined sentence in the first paragraph implies that____.
A.city libraries have a very limited number of readers
B.only a small proportion of the readers go to libraries by car
C.city libraries provide fewer places for Car washes
D.city libraries have fewer parking places
4、As his advisor, I believe that he is bound to accomplish much at your university _________he be admitted.

8、 七斤是个怎样的人物?
1、 用待定系数法求微分方程Y"-y=xex的一个特解时,特解的形式是(式中a、b是常数)( )
A. (ax2+bx)ex
B. (a,x2+b)ex
C. ax2ex
D. (ax+6)ex
2、根据以下材料,回答问题。During a television play the sound man must be ready to make every sound as it is needed.Sound effects are of three kinds:real,imitated and recorded.
Real sounds are those of doorbells,telephone bells,and other small objects easy to keep in a studio. But the sound man must imitate many sounds. For bacon fryin9,he crumples cellophane paper.A long sheet of metal hanging in a doorway makes thunder·He taps one rubber sink plunger and then another on a table to imitate a horse walking on pavement. For a horse galloping along a gravel road,the sound man can use the two halves of a coconut,pounding each in turn very fast on the table. ♂∮
Recorded sound effects are used for noises he cannot himself produce offstage.He pays records for such sounds as a rooster crowing, a train leaving a station, and a baby crying.
The sound man is an important part of any television production.The sound man is important because he________
A.is kept busy
B.makes fl TV play more lifelike
C.1ets an actor know when to life a telephone receiver
D.is always learning new methods
This outdoor festival,sponsored by a newspaper,occurs every April for one weekend. This year’ s attendance was estimated at 70,000 on Saturday and 75,000 on Sunday.The festival consisted of 280 exhibitors.There were about 90 talks given by authors,with an audience question-and-answer period foilowing each talk.Autograph(亲笔签名)seekers sought out more than 150 authors.A food court sold all kinds of popular food and diverse foreign foods,from American hamburgers to Hawaiian shave ice drinks.Except for a $7 parking fee,the festival was free.Even so,some people avoided the food court prices by staying away and having their own sandwiches and drinks.
People came from all over Californi
A.One couple drove down from San Francisco.“This is our sixth year here now.We love it,”said the husban
D.“It’s just fantastic to be in the great outdoors,to be mnong so many books and authors,and to get some very good deals,too.”
The idea for the festival occurred years ago,but nobody knew if it would succee
D.Although book festivals were already popular in other US cities,would Los Angeles residents welcome one?“The citizens of the city are very unpredictable,”said one of the festival founders.The underlined sentence in the first paragraph implies that____.
A.city libraries have a very limited number of readers
B.only a small proportion of the readers go to libraries by car
C.city libraries provide fewer places for Car washes
D.city libraries have fewer parking places
4、As his advisor, I believe that he is bound to accomplish much at your university _________he be admitted.

8、 七斤是个怎样的人物?