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1、根据以下资料,回答题。 Of all Barry H.Landau's anecdotes about his friendships with presidential dogs, perhaps the best is the one about the time the Clinton White House called to postpone his play-date with Buddy.
Yes, Landau is both human and an adult, a 60-year-old author, presidential historian, former White House protocol officer and memorabilia collector.But so enamored is he of dogs, and so well connected to a succession of presidents, that he had an appointment for a South Lawn romp one day with Buddy, Bill Clinton's Labrador retriever (拉布拉多犬) .
Logistics got in the way, though, and hence Clinton secretary Betty Currie's apologetic voice mail left at the Smithsonian Institution, where Landau was doing research: "I'm sorry, but we'll have to reschedule Mr.Landau's play-date with Buddy."
Not surprisingly, this is a happy week for Landau, with the new Obama family dog, Bo, joining a White House tradition that dates to George Washington.It's one that Landau feels is invaluable to a presidency.
"Having a dog just humanizes a president," he says."It completes the picture.It's something people can relate to."
And Landau has related to the best of them.He's known about 25 White House dogs since the Eisenhower administration.Among the presidential-pooch memorabilia in his Manhattan apartment are matching orange inaugural dog coats worn by LBJ's twin beagles (小猎犬) , Him and Her, and a photo of Landau kissing Clipper, JFK's German shepherd.
Who's "Buddy"?
A. Barry Landau's friend
B. Betty Currie's cousin
C. Bill Clinton's dog
D. George Washington's play-dat
2、__________food was rotting in the warehouses, the poor did not have enough to eat.
4、 庄子,名____________,后世将他与____________并称“____________”。
5、 光照不足导致植物光合作用下降时,增加C02浓度可在一定范围内减轻光合作用的下降程度,这种现象即为生态因子之间的___________。
6、 在解决问题的阶段中,一般说先分析问题,再提出问题。
8、 (本题满分10分) 欲用围墙围成面积216m2的一块矩形土地,并在中间用一堵墙将其隔成两块.问这块土地的长和宽选取多大的尺寸,才能使建造围墙所用材料省?
1、根据以下资料,回答题。 Of all Barry H.Landau's anecdotes about his friendships with presidential dogs, perhaps the best is the one about the time the Clinton White House called to postpone his play-date with Buddy.
Yes, Landau is both human and an adult, a 60-year-old author, presidential historian, former White House protocol officer and memorabilia collector.But so enamored is he of dogs, and so well connected to a succession of presidents, that he had an appointment for a South Lawn romp one day with Buddy, Bill Clinton's Labrador retriever (拉布拉多犬) .
Logistics got in the way, though, and hence Clinton secretary Betty Currie's apologetic voice mail left at the Smithsonian Institution, where Landau was doing research: "I'm sorry, but we'll have to reschedule Mr.Landau's play-date with Buddy."
Not surprisingly, this is a happy week for Landau, with the new Obama family dog, Bo, joining a White House tradition that dates to George Washington.It's one that Landau feels is invaluable to a presidency.
"Having a dog just humanizes a president," he says."It completes the picture.It's something people can relate to."
And Landau has related to the best of them.He's known about 25 White House dogs since the Eisenhower administration.Among the presidential-pooch memorabilia in his Manhattan apartment are matching orange inaugural dog coats worn by LBJ's twin beagles (小猎犬) , Him and Her, and a photo of Landau kissing Clipper, JFK's German shepherd.
Who's "Buddy"?
A. Barry Landau's friend
B. Betty Currie's cousin
C. Bill Clinton's dog
D. George Washington's play-dat
2、__________food was rotting in the warehouses, the poor did not have enough to eat.

4、 庄子,名____________,后世将他与____________并称“____________”。
5、 光照不足导致植物光合作用下降时,增加C02浓度可在一定范围内减轻光合作用的下降程度,这种现象即为生态因子之间的___________。
6、 在解决问题的阶段中,一般说先分析问题,再提出问题。
8、 (本题满分10分) 欲用围墙围成面积216m2的一块矩形土地,并在中间用一堵墙将其隔成两块.问这块土地的长和宽选取多大的尺寸,才能使建造围墙所用材料省?