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The discovery of a dwarfed (矮个的)"human being" who lived in Flores, Indonesia, up to 18,000 years ago is changing the way we think about the human family. This "Flores Human"wasthree foot tall and her brain was smaller than that of the average chimp(黑猩猩) ,yet she and herrelatives apparently lived fully human lives. They seem to have made tools, worked together to findfd and cook it, and perhaps even burried their dead with ceremony.
It was a major surprise to find tools associated with the new human family member. The tools arelike those formerly seen only with European fossils (化石)from our own species;Homo sapiens (智人) ;and the oldest of them were made 9,400 years ago. Homo sapiens is thought to have arrived inthe island about 4,000 years ago, much too late to be responsible for the tools. If this tiny humanmade the tools, then the inside structure (结构)of its brain must have been more like our own than a chimp's, despite being just a third the size of ours.
This "new human" was suspected to be a dwarfed branch of Homo erectus( 直立人). When crea-tures are separated in regions with rare resources but few enemies, being big is a disadvantage, andevolution tends to shrink them, a process known as island dwafng. Could natural selection make a hu-man smaller while keeping--even improving--mental ability? Quite possibly, believes ChristopherWills of the University of California.
Has the "Flores Human" even shown the ability of language? "I find it difficult to imagine thatpeople could make tools, use fire, and kill large animals without fairly advanced communication," Willssays. Did "Flores Human" possess the basic components of human culture--such as the burying of thedead with ceremony? Emiliano Bruner of the Italian Institute points out that Indonesia's hot,wet envi-ronment is bad for fossilization. It is reasonable to assume,he says,that the 18,000-year-old bones ofthe most complete Flores woman were well-preserved because she was buried with special care.
According to the passage," Flores Human"__________ .
A.lived a partly human life
B.was a branch of Homo sapiens
C.used tools before Homo sapiens arrived
D.had a brain as large as a common chimp's
At the University of Kansas art museum, scientists tested the effect of different colored walls ontwo groups of visitors to an exhibit of paintings. For the first group the room was painted white; forthe second, dark brown. Movement of each group was follo, w~ed by an electrical equipment under thecarpet. The experiment showed that those who entered the dark brown room walked more quickly,covered more area, and spent less time in the room than people in the white one. Dark brown madepeople more active,but the activity ended sooner. Not only the choice of colors but also the generalappearance of a room affects those inside. Another experiment presented people with photographs offaces whose energy was to be commented. Three groups of people were used; each was shown thesame photos, but each group was in an ordinary room--a nice office. The third was in a tastefully de-signed living room with carpeting. Results showed that the people in the beautiful room tend to givehigher marks to the faces than those in the ugly room did. Other studies suggest that students do bet-ter on tests taken in comfortable rooms than in ordinary-looking or ugly ones.
Which of the following is the best expression of the main idea of this passage?
A.People in beautiful rooms tend to give higher marks to photos of faces than people inugly rooms.
B.The color and general appe'arance of a room have a deeper effect on the behavior ofthe people in it.
C.The University of Kansas has studied the effects of the color of a room on people's be-havior.
D.Beautifully furnished,light-coloured rooms make people more comfortable than ugly,dark rooms.
3、 He told me that he ________in Spain the previous year.
A.has been working
B.had been working
C.has worked
D.had been worked
4、 甲公司授权公民乙为代理人,代理工作完成后,未收回授权书,乙继续以被代理人的名义在外进行代理。甲公司的行为导致了( )。
5、 下列民事权利中,只能由公民享有的是( )。
6、提出归因理论的心理家是( )。
7、 生物群落对其周围环境产生重大影响,并形成 __________ 。
8、 设函数y=ln(1+x2),则dy=_______.
9、 由曲线y=x和y=x2围成的平面图形的面积S=______.
The discovery of a dwarfed (矮个的)"human being" who lived in Flores, Indonesia, up to 18,000 years ago is changing the way we think about the human family. This "Flores Human"wasthree foot tall and her brain was smaller than that of the average chimp(黑猩猩) ,yet she and herrelatives apparently lived fully human lives. They seem to have made tools, worked together to findfd and cook it, and perhaps even burried their dead with ceremony.
It was a major surprise to find tools associated with the new human family member. The tools arelike those formerly seen only with European fossils (化石)from our own species;Homo sapiens (智人) ;and the oldest of them were made 9,400 years ago. Homo sapiens is thought to have arrived inthe island about 4,000 years ago, much too late to be responsible for the tools. If this tiny humanmade the tools, then the inside structure (结构)of its brain must have been more like our own than a chimp's, despite being just a third the size of ours.
This "new human" was suspected to be a dwarfed branch of Homo erectus( 直立人). When crea-tures are separated in regions with rare resources but few enemies, being big is a disadvantage, andevolution tends to shrink them, a process known as island dwafng. Could natural selection make a hu-man smaller while keeping--even improving--mental ability? Quite possibly, believes ChristopherWills of the University of California.
Has the "Flores Human" even shown the ability of language? "I find it difficult to imagine thatpeople could make tools, use fire, and kill large animals without fairly advanced communication," Willssays. Did "Flores Human" possess the basic components of human culture--such as the burying of thedead with ceremony? Emiliano Bruner of the Italian Institute points out that Indonesia's hot,wet envi-ronment is bad for fossilization. It is reasonable to assume,he says,that the 18,000-year-old bones ofthe most complete Flores woman were well-preserved because she was buried with special care.
According to the passage," Flores Human"__________ .
A.lived a partly human life
B.was a branch of Homo sapiens
C.used tools before Homo sapiens arrived
D.had a brain as large as a common chimp's
At the University of Kansas art museum, scientists tested the effect of different colored walls ontwo groups of visitors to an exhibit of paintings. For the first group the room was painted white; forthe second, dark brown. Movement of each group was follo, w~ed by an electrical equipment under thecarpet. The experiment showed that those who entered the dark brown room walked more quickly,covered more area, and spent less time in the room than people in the white one. Dark brown madepeople more active,but the activity ended sooner. Not only the choice of colors but also the generalappearance of a room affects those inside. Another experiment presented people with photographs offaces whose energy was to be commented. Three groups of people were used; each was shown thesame photos, but each group was in an ordinary room--a nice office. The third was in a tastefully de-signed living room with carpeting. Results showed that the people in the beautiful room tend to givehigher marks to the faces than those in the ugly room did. Other studies suggest that students do bet-ter on tests taken in comfortable rooms than in ordinary-looking or ugly ones.
Which of the following is the best expression of the main idea of this passage?
A.People in beautiful rooms tend to give higher marks to photos of faces than people inugly rooms.
B.The color and general appe'arance of a room have a deeper effect on the behavior ofthe people in it.
C.The University of Kansas has studied the effects of the color of a room on people's be-havior.
D.Beautifully furnished,light-coloured rooms make people more comfortable than ugly,dark rooms.
3、 He told me that he ________in Spain the previous year.
A.has been working
B.had been working
C.has worked
D.had been worked
4、 甲公司授权公民乙为代理人,代理工作完成后,未收回授权书,乙继续以被代理人的名义在外进行代理。甲公司的行为导致了( )。
5、 下列民事权利中,只能由公民享有的是( )。
6、提出归因理论的心理家是( )。
7、 生物群落对其周围环境产生重大影响,并形成 __________ 。
8、 设函数y=ln(1+x2),则dy=_______.
9、 由曲线y=x和y=x2围成的平面图形的面积S=______.