1. balance 熟义: n/v 平衡
I must check my bank balance. n. 差额,余款
The school aims to balance the amount of time spent on arts and science subjects. v. 权衡
2.back (熟义:n.背)
Many of his friends backed his plan.vt.支持
3. badly adv.(熟义:坏)
The boy badly wants a new bike.adv. 迫切
4. bar 熟义:棒,条,吧间
Poor health may be a bar to success in life. n. 障碍
5. become 熟义:v. 变得,变成
Her new hat certainly becomes her. vt. 适于,适合
6. before conj.才;就(熟义:以前)
It was a long time before I got to sleep again.过了很久我才再睡着。
I hadn't waited long before he came.我没有等多久,他就来了。
7. behaviour 熟义:n. 举止,行为
The behaviour of this computer is moderately good. n. 性能,特点
8. blank 熟义: adj. 空白的 n. 空白
The stranger returned my greeting with a blank look. adj. 没表情的,空虚的,没兴趣的
I can't think where I've left my umbrella; my mind's a complete blank. n.记忆中的空白,遗忘
9. blue 熟义:adj/n 蓝色
His songs always make me feel blue.adj. 忧伤的
10. beside 熟义:prep. 在...旁边
Beside your earlier work ,this piece seems rather disappointing. prep. 与...相比
11. build 熟义:v. 建设
The athlete has a solid build. n. 身材,体形
12. bare 熟义:adj. 裸露的
He likes to bare his heart/soul with his close friends. vt. 向某人袒露心声
13. bear 熟义:vt. 忍受,容忍
He was badly wounded in the war and still bears the scars. v. 显示,带有
14. bitter 熟义: adj. 苦的,痛苦的
Why was she so bitter against Mr. Smith? adj. 强烈的(...如此强烈反对...)
15. blanket 熟义: n. 毯子
The whole village was blanketed with heavy snow. vt.以厚层覆(译:... 覆盖着厚厚的雪)
16. break down[熟义:(机器等)坏了]
All our plans broke down.(计划)失败,坚持不下去。
17. bring (熟义:带来)
The cries brought the neighbours running.v.引起
18. build (熟义:v.修建)
The football player has a solid build.n.身材,体型
19. build up 熟义: 建立,增强...体质
The noise is building up until she could not stand it. 增高,加强 62. burst 熟义:v. 使爆炸,破裂
The storm burst and we all got wet. v.突然爆发
20. bond 熟义:v. 使牢固结合 adj. 一定会
I don't like being desk-bound all day. adj. 受...约束
Mothers who are depressed sometimes fail to bond with their children. v. 发展或建立信赖和亲切关系
21.burning 熟义:adj. 炽热的
She is burning to tell you the news. adj.感情等强烈的