n. 点,圆点,小孩子 小东西; v. 作小点记号,加小点于,点缀;
on the dot adv.准时地
dot matrix 点矩阵,点阵,点阵法
dot matrix printer 点阵式打印机
dot printer 点式打印机,打印机
dot product 点乘,数量积,标量积
polka dot n. 圆点花样的布料
Join the dots up to complete the drawing.顺点连线把图画好.
The letter "i" has a dot over it.字母i上方有一个小圆点儿。
I've been going there every summer since the year dot.我从很久以前每年夏天就都到那里去.
History is dotted with rum and inexplicable occurrences.历史中不时穿插着一些离奇而难以说明的事件。
She was told to arrive at 8 o'clock on the dot.她被告知八点钟准时到。
n. 义务,职责,勤务;税务,关税
Be all of duty 自由支配
customs duty 关税
stamp duty n.<英>印花税
import duty 进口税
anti-dumping duty 反倾销进口税
breach of duty 失职,玩忽职守
countervailing duty 反补贴税,反津贴税,反倾销进口税,平衡税
export duty 出口税
death duty 遗产税
duty period 工作周期
fatigue duty n. 劳动服务
legal duty n. [律]法律职责
line of duty n. 公务(尤指军事任务),履行职责,尽职
point duty n. 站岗, 值勤
tour of duty n. 任期
civic duty 【法】 公民义务
neglect of duty 【法】 失职, 过失责任, 玩忽职守
A policeman does not wear a uniform when he is off duty.警察不值勤时不穿制服。
They swore an oath to carry out their duties faithfully.他们宣誓要忠实履行职责。
A nurse has many duties to fu1fi1 in caring for the sick.护士在照护病人时要尽很多责任。
The head teacher's deputy assists with many of his duties.副校长帮助校长做很多工作.
There were over1 00 police on duty at the demonstration.游行期间有100多名警察值勤.