a. 戏剧的,剧本的;戏剧性的,引人注目的,激动人心的
A rendition of a musical or dramatic work.音乐戏剧作品的表演
The turning point in a plot or dramatic action.转折点阴谋或戏剧化动作的转折点
It's the music to heighten the dramatic effect.那是用于提高戏剧效果的配乐。
The dramatic genre characterized by this treatment.情节剧具有上述特征的戏剧文学体裁
The play is a dramatic representation of a real event.这出话剧改编自真人真事.
vi. 拉,拖,拔剑 vt. 拖拉,挨近,领取,打成平局,引来,抽签决定,画,描写,制订 n.平局(体育) 有吸引力的事物或人物
draw a bead on 用枪对准,瞄准,注意上,盯上;攻击,抨击,批判;一心想…
draw close 接近,挨近,靠近,走进,靠拢
draw in v.收,引诱,接近黄昏,紧缩开支
draw the line v. 划一界线,划定后界限
draw up v.草拟,停住,逼近,追上,整队
draw off 离开,撤离;脱去;抽出,排掉
draw out v.抽出,拉长,使说出实情,拟订,跑到别人前面并拉开距离
draw together v.团结起来
draw rein v.勒马,停止,放弃努力,节省开支
draw a blank 找不着,扑空,毫无结果
draw and quarter v. 四马分尸
draw away 与…拉开距离,把…甩到后面;离开,撤离
draw near 走近,靠近,接近,临近
draw back v.拉起,退却,缩回
Join the dots up to complete the drawing.顺点连线把图画好.
Draw a horizontal line across the bottom of the page.在此页底部画一条水平线。
The assignment is to draw a horse in motion.作业是画一匹报考的马二
Dirt and dust are drawn into a vacuum cleaner by suction.污物和灰尘被吸入吸尘器。
I draw up a project proposal.我草拟计划书