a. 必要的,必不可少的;本质的,基本的 n. 要素,要点
essential amino acid 必需氨基酸,必需的氨基酸
essential hypertension 本质性高血压,原发性高血压,特发性高血压
essential oil 精油,香精油
essential thrombocytopenia 原发性血小板减少症, 特发性血小板减少性紫癜
essential condition 【法】 必要条件
essential tremor 【医】 特发性震颤
In considering a problem,one must grasp its essentials.观察问题要抓住它的本质。
Absolutely indispensable;essential.必不可少的;根本的
The book deals with the essentials of English grammar.这本书论述英语语法的要点。
Impartiality is essential to a judge.公正为法官所不可或缺的。
Love is the essential element of Christianity.爱为基督教之要素
vt. 交换,调换,兑换;交流,交易 vi. 交换,兑换;调换岗位或任务 n. 交换,调换 n. 交换,调换;(股票)交易所
bill of exchange n.汇票
foreign exchange n.外汇,外国籫e certificate 闫
medium of exchange n.交易媒介(指货币,支票等)
rate of exchange n.兑换率
stock exchange n. 证券交易所 2.证券交易
telephone exchange 电话交换机,电话局,电话总机
commodity exchange 商品交易所
exchange premium 外汇升水,贴进
exchange rate 汇率,兑换率
exchange transfusion 交换输血,换血疗法
futures exchange 期货交易所
ion exchange 离子交换作用,离子置换
corn exchange 谷物交易所
post exchange n. 贩卖部, 福利社[略作PX]
american stock exchange 【经】 美国股票交易所
new york stock exchange n.纽约证券交易所
The exchange rate today is 300 Japanese yen to the pound.今天的兑换率是一英镑换三百日圆。
The heat exchange component of the system is very compact.这套设备的热交换组件非常紧凑。
I will give you a candy Bar in exchange for your soda pop.我要以一支棒棒糖换你的苏打汽水。
They appointed a place to exchange experience.他们约定一个地方交流经验。
Mr. White exchanged banter with his colleagues.怀特先生与同事们相互说着笑话。