n. 效果,印象 vt. 招致,引起,完成 v. 效果,结果,影响
in effect adv.有效
side effect n.(药物等到的)副作用
stage effect n. 舞台效果
take effect v.见效,生效
field-effect transistor 场效晶体管
greenhouse effect 温室效应,温室作用
ground effect 地面效应,大地效应
law of effect 效果律
piezoelectric effect 压电效应
position effect 位置效应
skin effect 趋肤效应,皮层效应,表面效应,表皮效应,集肤效应
special effect 特殊效果
butterfly effect 蝴蝶效应
domino effect n. 多米诺效应(政治术语,指一事件引起连锁反应)
knock-on effect n. 撞击作用
piezo effect 【化】 压电效应
to that effect 带有那个[这个]意思
An optical effect proper to fluids.液体所固有的光学效果
The change was effected peacefully.该项改革和平地实现了。
Reversed the paintings for a more satisfying effect.倒转绘画品以得到更满意的效果。
Having an intended or expected effect.具有预期或先见效果的.
The bright blue wilt tone down with the effect of sunlight.阳光一照射这明亮的蓝色就会柔和下来。
a. 有效的,有力的,实际的 n. 有生力量
Window screens are effective in keeping out mosquitoes.纱窗能有效地挡住蚊子。
This car polish is an effective shield against rust.这种汽车上光蜡很有防作用.
Tomorrow is the effective date of regulations.明天就是条例的生效日期。
The medicine is an effective cure for a headache.这种药治头痛有很好的疗效.
He was an effective supporter of reform.他是改革的有力支持者。