n. 登录,条目,进入;
entry word n. 开头词
adjusting entry 调整分录
bill of entry 入港呈报表,进口报关单,货物出入口报告书
debit entry 借方分录,借项
double entry 复式记帐,复式记帐法
port of entry n.(货物的)进口港,报关港,(人员的)入境港
single entry 单独输入,单项,单一表目
accounting entry 会计分录
credit entry 贷方分录
double-entry bookkeeping 复式簿记
lexical entry 词汇入构项
single-entry bookkeeping 单式簿记
point of entry 【计】 进入点
right of entry 【法】 收回租地权, 进入租地权
Free entry to discotheque.免费进入迪斯科舞厅
I'll make the entry in your passbook.我要把这笔帐记人您的存折。
The army made a triumphant entry into the city.军队凯旋入城。
Japan's entry into the UN.日本加入联合国。
The next entry in this dictionary is the word"entwine.这本词典中下一个词条是“entwine。”
n. U根据,证据;形迹,迹象
circumstantial evidence 旁证,间接证据
in evidence 显著的,出风头;到场
hearsay evidence n. 非直接证据, 传闻证据
state's evidence n. 告发同犯的证人
best evidence rule 【法】 举证规则
corroborating evidence 【法】 确证的证据
direct evidence 【经】 直接证据
indirect evidence 【经】 间接证据
rule of evidence 【法】 证据法规则
The dishonest lawyer manufactured evidence.那位不正直的律师造了伪证。
They can only provide experimental evidence.他们只能提供实验证据。
The evidence against him is rather flimsy.对他不利的证据不足凭信.
When faced with the evidence he had to admit he was guilty.在证据面前他只得承认他有罪。
He is assembling evidence concerning a murder.他在收集一宗谋杀案的证据。