n. 带子,线,绳;领带;联系;系绳或打结的方法;束缚 vt. 系,扎,拴,束紧;把打结 v. 与......打成平局
A blood tie;marital ties.血缘关系;婚姻联系
Ships usually tie up to a pier in a port.船常常系在港口的码头上。
The prisoner's hands were securely tied.那犯人的双手给牢牢捆住了.
This illustration is cleverly tied in with the content.这幅插图与内容配合得很巧妙。
Fred and betty finally decided to tie the knot.福瑞德和贝蒂终于决定要缔结连理了。
n. U待遇,对待;治疗
1.something that is done to cure an illness or injury, or to make sb look and feel good 治疗;疗法;诊治 uncountable countable ~ (for sth)
2.to require hospital/medical treatment 需要住院治疗╱医疗
silent treatment n. 沉默对待
orthodontic treatment 牙矫正术
shock treatment n. 休克疗法
inhuman treatment 【法】 非人道待遇
Your essay gives a rather sketchy treatment of the problem.你的文章只粗略地涉及到这个问题.
Electrical treatments will be good for your rheumatism.电疗对你的风湿会有效的。
Those immigrants were subjected to barbarous treatment.那些移民遭受到野蛮的虐待。
The clinic tailors its treatment to individual needs.那个诊所的治疗方法适合个别需要。
Bad treatment fanned their dislike into hate.虐待将他们的不悦激成了恨。
He is receiving treatment for shock. 他正在接受休克治疗。
There are various treatments available for this condition. 对这种病情有各种疗法。
She is responding well to treatment. 她经过治疗大有起色。