Get on "Tom is sluggish. I wonder how he is getting on in his new work."
Get through "There isn't much time left. How can one get through all this work before the office closes? "
Get overָ "The rich woman was so upset at the loss of her beloved puppy that it was hard for her to get over the shock."
Get...downʹ "Miss Lim told me that his poor academic performance got her down.
Get down to "It is sometimes difficult to get down to serious work after a long holiday ."
Get round/aroundر "What will happen will happen. I see no way of getting round the imponderables."
Get on for(Խʱ̬) "No one knows about that film star's actual age, but it must be getting on for 50 years old."
Get away/off withӱܴ "The police have not let anyone get away with his or her illegal act."
Get...across(ѶϢ) "The minister tried to get his ideas across to the masses of people. "
Get back at "I notice that people often get back at whoever is unkind to them."
Get back to롭 "Sorry , I am busy at the moment. Let me get back to you later"
Get in with롭ùϵ "James joined a high-class club to get in with influential people there."
Get...offij "The manager asked his secretary to get all the letters off before 5p.m."
Get...outƳƷ "As a rule, manufacturers will get their new products out before Christmas. / Jason will get another book out soon .
Get on with "It is time to turn off the TV and get on with your unfinished home work."
Get at(Խʽ)ʾ "Henry's wife is getting at him for not helping with the household chores . / I don't know what Peter was getting at when he said that his secretary could be more successful as a fashion model."
Get byӦ "In Singapore, some people cannot get by on only one source of income."
Get inѡ "Which party will get in this time, the Republican Party or the Democratic Party?"
Get alongദ "I think all can get along quite well without being rich. / Do you get along well with your new colleagues?"
Get out ofѡ "You should get out of your smoking habit, the sooner the better. / Michael organised the holiday trip, but I don't know what will he get out of it