1、damage, harm, hurt, injure, spoil
乍看这几个词,觉得意思都差不多。它们都有“损害,伤害,破坏”的意思。其实,它们之间还是有不同的。damage: “毁坏,损坏”,主要指造成价值,效用,完整性方面的损坏。例如:
Mr. Smith, I wonder if we could arrange a talk about the damaged cargo sometime.史密斯先生,我们能不能安排个时间商谈破损货物的问题。
The water they had thrown over everything to put out the fire damaged the books.为了灭火,他们把水往一切东西上泼,把书也损坏了。
harm: “损害,伤害”,词义具体,强调带来损失,病痛或痛苦。Though he knows clearly that smoking harms his health, he simply cannot give it up.虽然他很清楚吸烟对身体有害,但他就是戒不了。
hurt: “疼痛,伤害”,尤其指感情或身体遭受创伤。Nothing hurts more than a bad tooth, so he had to go to the dentist to have it pulled out.没有比牙齿坏了更疼痛的了,所以他不得不找牙医拔掉那颗坏牙。My little boy fell off a ladder and hurt himself.我的儿子从楼梯上摔了下来,把自己摔伤了。
injure: “伤害,损害”,一般常指不公正地对待或冤屈某人,即有意识地侵害别人的权利或毁坏别人的健康、成就等,也可以指外表、健康、安逸等遭受破坏。The gas polluted the surroundings and injured the health of workers and residents of the area.这种气体污染环境,损害工人和该地区居民的健康。
spoil: 有强烈的“毁坏,毁灭”之意。指不仅造成价值,精力,兴致的“损伤”,还意味着可能造成某种毁灭或彻底破坏,也有“宠坏”的意思。
John joined the party and spoiled the pleasure of everyone by his impolite behavior.约翰参加了这个晚会,他的不礼貌行为破坏了大家的兴致。
Quarreling completely spoiled the dinner, which broke up in discord.争吵完全破坏了了宴会的气氛,结果宴会不欢而散。
I do hate to spoil your fun, but I've got something urgent to tell you.我真不愿扫了你的兴,但我有紧急的事必须告诉你。