1、each other, one another
这两个代词词组都作“互相”解,较多地在句子中充当宾语。each other一般只用于两个人或事物之间,one another则用于超过两个人或事物的场合。试比较:Wagner and Strauss often exchanged gifts with each other. (指两者。)The members in our group learned from one another. (指超过两者。)
又如:They sat down opposite to each other.他们相对而坐。They were not suited to each other.他们俩不合适。We have known one another since we were children.我们在小的时候就相互认识了。这两个词组的差别目前已不是很严格,有时可互相替换。
2、effective, efficient
Her efforts to improve the school have been very effective.他为改善学校而做出的努力是卓有成效的。
This machine is an effective remedy for acid indigestion.这是一种治疗胃酸过多的良药。He has become an effective assistant.他已成为一名得力的助手。
efficient主要指某人办事效率高,不浪费时间和精力等,也可指机械设备“有效率的”。如:A good leader should be both competent and efficient.一名好领导应该精明能干,办事效率高。Our efficient new machines are much cheaper to run.我们所买的高效机器运转消耗要小得多。