1、elder, older
1).elder为“年长的”,只指人,用来比较年龄长幼,尤指兄弟姐妹的长幼关系。它只能用在名词前作定语,不能用于than引导的比较状语从句。older为“年纪较大的,较老的,较旧的”,可指人也可指物,可作定语也可作表语,能用在than引导的 比较状语从句中。
Which is the elder of the two sisters?两姐妹中,谁是姐姐?
The older of the two sisters led me into the sitting-room.两姐妹中的姐姐把我领进了客厅。
2). eldest和oldest的区别也是如此:前者表示年龄的长幼关系,后者表示年龄及时间或年代上的长久。 如: She has three children, and her eldest has just started school. 她有三个孩子,的刚开始读书。 It is the oldest building in our college. 这是我们学院旧的楼。
2、exhausted, tired, tiresome
The athletes were too much exhausted to wake easily when once asleep.运动员们疲惫不堪,一旦入睡便很难醒来。
The enemy troops being exhausted and demoralized, our troops won a series of victories.敌军疲惫不堪,士气低落,我军连战皆捷。
tired:“累的,疲倦的”,普通用词,泛指由于工作紧张或其他原因导致的疲乏,在英语中,也可表示“厌倦,不耐烦。常用于下列短语:be tired of (doing) sth. 厌倦做某事。
I'm sure you must be tired after cycling all that distance.骑了那么远路,我想你肯定累坏了。
When I first got to Wisconsin, I was tired of eating such kind of food as hamburger every day.初到威斯康星时,我对每天都吃汉堡类食品而感到厌倦。
tiresome:“令人厌倦的,讨厌的”,描写毫无趣味,易让人生厌的人或事物,也指单调重复的工作使人感到疲劳。The difficulty of grasping abstract statements made my learning very tiresome.难以理解的抽象表述使我对学习感到厌烦。The lecture lasted three hours and it was really tiresome.讲座持续了三个小时,的确令人劳累。