6.Are there any other factors that might affect the development of a child _____ education and innate inability?
A. apart from
B. away from
C. far from
D. but for
答案: A
详解:应选A项。apart from 除……之外,away from 远离,far from 远非,but for 要不是。句意为:除了教育和先天的不足,还有什么其他因素会影响一个孩子的发展?
7.Her humorous remarks seemed _____, but were in fact carefully prepared beforehand.
A. precise
B. blank
C. spontaneous
D. bold
答案: C
详解:应选C项。spontaneous 自发的;自然产生的,precise 的;准确的,blank 空白的;空着的,bold 大胆的。句意为:她的幽默的评论看起来好像很自然,但是实际上是事先认真准备好的。
8.They have made a _____ plan to build a suspension bridge over the river.
A. bald
B. bound
C. bold
D. bare
答案: C
9.In the 1850's Harriet Beecher Stowe's "Uncle Tom's Cabin" became the best seller of the generation, _____ a host of imitators.
A. inspiring
B. inspired
C. inspired by
D. to inspire
答案: A
10.Reading is to the mind _____ food is to the body.
A. what
B. that
C. similar
D. which
答案: A
详解:应选A项。what是关系代词,A is to B what C is to D,A对于B之间的关系犹如C对于D。句意为:读书对于大脑来说就像食物对于身体一样。