"Everything on our menu is prepared fresh daily and they are delivered to you from our kitchen outlet along Jurong."
大家知道,they 是句中的代名词(pronoun)。在这里,它是代替等立分句中的主语 everything.Everything 是个单数代名词;they 是复数的,两个怎么可以相通呢?
在语法上,代名词在取代名词或当名词的词时,必须在人称( person)、数目(number)、性别(gender)和格(case)这几方面相称才行。例如:
① The man plucked out a grey hair from his head.
② They need funds, but they are running out of them now.
③ Jason said that he did not like the woman.
④ A person must restrict himself to doing what is right and useful.
如果脑子里没有这些语法概念,便会犯上误用代名词的错误。本文上面所指的 they 便是的例子。
除了 everything 之外,anything,nothing,everyone,someone,no one,somebody,nobody,anybody,anyone和each 等代名词也都是单数的。如果要用其他代名词取代它们,也必须是单数的才可以,而且后面的谓语动词也要搭配。就此而论,文中的they是不对的,必须改为单数代名词it;同时后头的谓语动词也要变成单数的is.这样一来,两个等立分句就很相称了。
⑤ Nothing is difficult if it is properly done.
⑥ Nobody here has objected to the new proposal.
⑦ Each was annoyed by her strange idea.
⑧ Somebody wants to see you.
⑨ No one really knows the answer.
⑩ Many were absent yesterday.
11. Few are welcome here.
12a. Please look at the old office equipment. Some is to be replaced.
b. Some of them have agreed to come.
13a. All is well that ends well.
b. There are twenty in the bus. All have arrived on time.
14a. None of the news was good.
b. None of her friends phone her now.
13. In less industrialised countries, the problems of urban development are not known "Though the standard of living is raised, the costs of living are also increasing."