Passage 2
Languages are remarkably complex and wonderfully complicated organs of culture. They contain the quickest and the most efficient means of communication within their respective culture. To learn a foreign language is to learn another culture. In the words of a poet and philos-opher, "As many languages as one speaks, so many lives one lives. " A culture and its language are as necessary as brain and body; while one is a part of the other, neither can function without the other. In learning a foreign language, the best beginning would be starting with the non-lan-guage elements of the language :its gestures, its body language, etc. Eye contact is extremely im-portant in English. Direct eye contact leads to understanding, or as the English saying goes, see-ing eye-to-eye. We can never see eye-to-eye with a native speaker of English until we have learn-ed to look directly into his eyes.
1. The best title for this passage is__________.
A. Organs and Culture
B. Brain and Body
C. Looking into His Eyes
D. Language and Culture
2. According to this passage, the best way to learn a foreign language is__________.
A. to read the works of poets and philosophers
B. to find a native speaker and look directly into his eyes
C. to begin by learning its body language
D. to visit a country where you can study
3. According to this passage, gestures are__________.
A. spoken words
B. a non-language element
C. pictures in a language
D. written language
4. "As many languages are as one speaks, so many lives one lives. " means__________.
A. if one learns many foreign languages, one will have a better understanding of his own language
B. life is richer and more interesting if one knows several languages
C. no matter how many languages one knows, one can never know more than one' s own culture
D. if a person speaks only one language, he will live a very happy life
5. Which of the following doesn' t share the same meaning with the others?
A. Signs.
B. Gestures.
C. Efficient.
D. Body language.