Passage 1答案及解析
1.【答案精解】C。本题为细节题。文章的段有这样的句子“Adam Smith was the first person to see the importance of the division of the labor.”(亚当·斯密个看到了劳动分工的重要性。)因此说亚当·斯密先生能够充分理解劳动分工的作用。
2.【答案精解】B。本题为细节题。文章的第三段有这样的句子“Ten men…turned outtwelve pounds of pins a day or about 4,800 pins a worker.But if all of themhad worked separately and independently without division of labor,tlley cer—tainly could not have made twenty pins in a day and not even one.”(10个人一天生产了l2磅的别针或者说1个工人一天生产了4,800个别针。但是如果没有劳动分工,每个工人都单独工作,他们一天不可能生产20个别针,甚至连1个也做不出来。)因此可以得知亚当·斯密意识到劳动分工增加了每个工人的单位产量。
4.【答案精解】C。本题为态度观点题。文章的第四段有这样的句子“but he also took itfor granted that division of labor is itself responsible for economic growth anddevelopment and it accounts for the difference between expanding economicsand those that stand still.”(但是他想当然地认为劳动力的分工本身促进了经济的增长,并且以此来解释为什么有些经济快速地增长,而有些则停滞不前。)由此可以得知亚当·斯密的错误在于他认为劳动分工导致了经济的发展。
Passage 2答案及解析
1.【答案精解】 C。本题为细节题。答案在文章的第三段句话:“the first and most bas.ic level of needs involves food.Once this level is satisfied,the second levelof needs,clothing and some sort of shelter,appears.(人的基本需求是食物,一旦得到满足,人的第二需求衣服和住房就出现了。)”
3.【答案精解】A。本题为词汇题。physical satisfaction:身体的满足,和successful career没有关系。
4.【答案精解】B。本题为推断题。答案在第四段“this level stresses mental needs for rec—ognition,achievement,and happiness”因此此阶段人们关心的应当是精神的满足。
5.【答案精解】C。本题为推断题。答案在后一段,“after filling our stomachs,ourclothes,our garages,our teeth,and our minds,we now may seek to ensurethe health,safety,and leisure to enjoy more fully the good things on thefirst four levels.”因此可以断定此阶段是后一个而且是令人满意的阶段。
Passage 3答案及解析
1.【答案精解】C。本题为细节题。由本文中的段“By intelligence we mean a way ofliving and behavin9…how much he knows what to do.”可知答案C是正确的。
3.【答案精解】B。本题为细节题。由本文中的第二段的第四句“And,if he.can’t makethings work out fight,he doesn’t feel ashamed that he failed;he just tries toleam from his mistakes.”可知答案B是对的。learn from his mistakes等于leam from his experiences。
4.【答案精解】A。本题为细节题。由本文中的第三段的第二句“They are actually twodifferent kinds of people,not just the same kind with different amount of in—telligence.”可知答案A是对的。two different kinds of people等于two dif-ferent types of children。