You are to write in no less than 120 words on thetopic Examinations.You are to take a position, either for or against it, and give yourreasons.You should base your composition on thefollowing Chinese notes.
There are many arguments about examination.Some people think it is a good wayto test how examinees have mastered what they have studied and it is aneffective way to choose among candidates.So, as atraditional and popular method, it is widely accepted.
However, in some people's opinion, it is not the most scientificway to test a person's ability.To some students,examination means nothing butanxiety and heavy bur-dens.What is more, teachers'judgments can't always be impartial.All these willcause frustration to examinees and provoke their strong negative attitudetowards examination.
As for me, although the content of examination can hardly coverall the knowledge an examinee has grasped and the result of an examination mayshow only part of a person's ability, its function should not be totally ignored.Its basic function is just like amirror——it reflects both examinees and examiners.Both of them can check their work and learn how to improve it.ofcourse, there is a long way to go before we could find a simpler and more effectivewayof judging a person's ability.