Every cloud has a silver lining. 否极泰来。
Look before you leap. 三思而后行。
Birds of a feather flock together. 物以类聚。
A little knowledge is dangerous. 一知半解危险。
Clothes make the man. 人要衣装,佛要金装。
A good medicine tastes bitter. 良药苦口。
History repeats itself. 历史会重演。
Strike while the iron is hot. 趁热打铁。
The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved.——Victor Hugo 人生的幸福是坚信有人爱我们。——维克多 雨果
Cultured and fine manners are everywhere a passport to regard.——Johnson 得体的,高尚的举止常常是通行无阻得护照。——约翰逊
What you love on the swings you get back on the roundabouts. 失之东隅收之桑榆。
Happiness does not drop from the sky, it's to be created by our hands. 幸福不是从天上掉下来的,而要用双手来创造。
No man lives without jostling and being jostled, in all ways he has to elbow himself through the world giving and receiving offence.——Thomas Carlyle 没有人在生活中能与别人碰撞,他不得不以各种方式奋力挤过人群,冒犯别人的同时也忍受着别人的冒犯。——托马斯 卡莱尔
Thought is the seed of action.——Emerson 思想是行动的种子。
You never know what you can do till you try? 不试怎知你不行呢?
You cannot catch old birds with chaff? 姜是老的辣;老鸟不上当。
Let sleeping dogs lie? 让睡的狗躺著;勿惹是生非;勿打草惊蛇。
Never judge by appearances? 人不可貌相;不可以貌取人。
It is ill striving against the stream? 逆流而行困难。
Saying is one thing doing another? 说是一回事,做是另一回事;说来容易做来难。
Paddle your own canoe 自力更生;自己摇桨
Patience is a virtue 忍耐是美德
Life is shore and time is swift 生命短暂,光阴飞逝;及时行乐
Make haste slowly 欲速则不达
The fairest rose is at last withered 好花终须凋谢