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来源:233网校 2013年12月26日

61. --- How long did it _____ you to get there ?

--- Half an hour.

A. cost B. pay C. spend D. take

62. It was _____ day yesterday that we decided to go out for a hike.

A. a such beautiful B. such a beautiful C. so a beautiful D. such beautiful

63. ________ is reported that he got seven gold medals.

A.That B.Word C.It D.News

64. _____ made both her parents very angry.

A.She came home late at night B.She comes home late at night

C.She coming home late at night D.Her coming home late at night

65. ______ came ______the president himself would inspect our school sometime next week.

A.Word, that B.Word, which

C.A word, that D.A word, which

66. It is no use _____ to come here right now; he is very busy.

A. ask him B. to ask him C. asking him D. if you ask him

67. _____ he works just as hard as everyone else.

A.Because he is weak B.As he is weak

C.Weak as is he D.Weak though he is

68. Hardly had I entered the classroom ____ the bell rang.

A. than B. until C. when D. then

69. I will not lend my computer to you _____ you promise to take good care of it.

A. unless B. if C. because D. as

70. TV is different from radio in _____ their signal transmission is not the same.

A. which B. what C. where D. that

71. Do remember to pay a visit to your grandma, _______?

A. don’t you B. didn’t you C. aren’t you D. will you

72. I informed that the students ______ their homework as soon as possible.

A. hand in B. must hand in C. were handing in D. handed in

73. Young swans must learn how to fly as quickly as possible in order to ____ .

A. survive B. sleep C. revive D. rival

74. I have two cell phones but ____ of them functions now.

A. neither B. all C. both D. either

75. I can still remember ____ you for the first time. We were so young then.

A. to meet B. to have met C. have met D. meeting






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