1. We surely desire that the tour leaderus immediately of any change in the travel schedules.
√A. inform B. informs C. informed D. has informed
2. Look at the terrible trouble Iyour advice!
A. follow √B. had followed C. would follow D. have followed
3. I wishgo to the movie with you tonight, but I have to finish my homework then.
A. I can √B. I could C. I will D. I would
4.available, we would certainly have sent him to the meeting.
A. John was B. Wasn't John √C. Had John been D. John had been
5. I would have come sooner but Ithat you were waiting.
A. haven't known B. hadn't known √C. didn't know D. have known
6. If you had told me in advance, Ihim at the airport.
√A. would have met B. would meet C. had met D. met
7. Everybody has arrived. It's time wethe meeting.
A. would start B. had started C. shall start √D. started
8.Tony does not dare to leave the house in case.
A. he will recognize √B. he should be recognized
C. he is recognized D. he recognizes
9. Franklin looked as though heill for a long time.
A. was B. were C. has been √D. had been
10. I'd rather youabout it for the time being.
A. don't think √B. didn't think
C. would not think D. had not thought
11. It is necessary that Markin time to attend the meeting.
√A. come B. came C. comes D. will come
12. Tom is working hard for fear that he.
A. fell behind B. may fall behind
√C. should fall behind D. would fall behind
13. It is imperative that Hurst woodto hospital at once.
A. is taken B. shall be taken √C. should be taken D. must be taken
14. The driver looked over the engine carefully lest iton the way.
A.breaks down B. broke down
C. would break down √D. should break down
15.Tomorrow, I ivory would surely be welcome.
A. If she comes B. When she comes
C. would break down √D. should break down
16. It is highly desirable that a new chairmanfor the committee.
A. will be elected B. is elected C. elect √D. be elected
17. Kitty talks as if sheon the spot.
A. is √B. were C. has been D. be
18. I didn't go to the concert. But I do wish Ithere.
A. was √B. had been C. were D. went
19. It is requested that every studenta plan for the nest semester.
A. makes √B. make C. will make D. would make
20. The librarian recommended that the professorthe newly published books.
√A. borrow B. borrowed C. should have borrowed D. borrowing
21. Even if shethere, Margaret could not have done anything either.
A. were B. was being C. be √D. had been
22. I don't think it advisable that Darcythe job as a secretary since he
has no experience.
√A. be assigned B. will be assigned
C. is assigned D. has been assigned
23. What do you think of his proposal the weput on a play at the English Evening.
A. will √B. should C. has D. have
24. They talked as if theyfriends for years.
√A. had been B. were C. have been D. would be
25. Eliza must have missed the train, otherwise shethen.
A. should arrive here B. has arrived here
√C. would have arrived here D. arrived here
26. But for friction, human beingsneither walk, nor even stand up.
A. can B. were able to C. will be able to √D. could
27. It is important that the brakes on your bicycleproperly.
A. working B. works √C. work D. worked
28. It has been decided that the meetinguntil nest Saturday.
A. is postponed B. postpone C. will be postponed √D. be postponed
29. His government insisted that James Bonduntil he finished his degree.
A. would stay √B. stay C. stayed D. shall stay
30. I suggested Mikehimself to the new conditions.
A. adapted √B. adapt C. would adapt D. might adapt
31. I wish that yousuch a bad headache because I'm sure that you would have enjoyed the concert.
A. didn't have B. hadn't √C. hadn't had D. hadn't have
32., Smith would have signed his name at the comer.
A. If the painted that picture B. If he paints that picture
√C. If the had painted that picture D. If the would have painted that picture
33. Youyesterday if you were really serious about the job.
A. ought to come √B. ought to have come
C. ought to be coming D. ought have come
34. The old worker urged that wecheaper materials instead.
√A. use B. used C. would use D. will use
35. Without electricity, the whole world.
√A、would not have developed so rapidly
B. had not developed so rapidly
C、does not develop so rapidly
D. has not developed so rapidly
36. When John took the pen back to Mary, she said coldly: "You it sooner,for I it."
A.should have returned…might need
B. should return……might have needed
√C、should have returned…might have needed
D. must have returned…must have needed
37.for their assistance, we couldn't have got over such big difficulties.
A. It were not B. Were it √C. Were it not D. Are it
38. It is about time that the governmentstrong actions against embezzlement and official profiteering.
A. is taking B. takes √C. took D. will take
39. Suppose youMike now, what would you say to him?
A. meet √B. met C. have met D. should meet
40. Had I known her name, I.
A. would invite her to lunch √B. would have invited her to lunch
C. invited her to lunch D. could invite her to lunch
41. Jason made the request that the problem as to who would be sent abroadat the meeting.
A. is discussed √B. be discussed
C. discuss D. would be discussed
42. Mr. Johnson prefers thatwith him personally.
A. Mary speaks B. would be postponed
√C. should postpone D. Mary would speak
43. The chairman of the committee moved that their regular meeting for this month.
√A、be postponed B. would be postponed
C. should postpone D. was postponed
44. They demand that the right to voteto every adult man and woman.
A. should give B. would be given √C. be given D. ought to give
45. It was essential that all the necessary datato the President's office
before the end of this month. A. sent
√B. should be sent C. should send D. must be sent