- 第1页:学位英语语法练习技巧:还原法
- 第2页:学位英语语法练习技巧:一致法
还原法,即句子结构分析法.很多单项选择题考点实为难度 较小的简单句,但命题人往往通过加长句式,将陈述句改为疑问或感叹等句型,使用插入语,采用倒装和省略等手段使简单的句式复杂化,以增加干扰因素.解题时,同学们应通过句型分析弄清题干的来龙去脉,还原简单句的本来面目.主要有如下八种还原方式:
1. 将疑问句还原成陈述句
「例」Whom is it up to ____the matter
A. decide B. to decide C. deciding D. decided
「解析」将题干还原为陈述句: It is up to sb. to decide the matter. 答案为:B
2 将感叹句还原成陈述句
「例」_____role she played in the film! No wonder she has won an Oscar.
A. How interesting B. How an interesting
C. What interesting D. What an interesting
「解析」将题干还原为陈述句: She played an interesting role in the film. 因此答案为D
3 将被动语态还原成主动语态
「例」Our time should be made full use of _____.
A. study B. studied C. studying D. to study
「解析」将题干还原为成主动语态: We should make full use of our time to study.因此答案为:D
4 将倒装语序还原成正常语序
「例」Here is a note book, in which _____ the names of the visitors.
A. write B. written C. were written D. was written
「解析」将题干还原为正常语序: The names of the visitors were written in the note book.因此答案为C.
5 将强调句式还原成一般句式
「例」It was ____ that resulted in the terrible car accident.
A. because of her carelessness B. her being careless
C. because she was careless D. she was so careless
「解析」将题干还原为一般句式: Her being careless was resulted in the terrible car accident.
6 将先行词还原到定语从句中
「例」The study you have been making _____the ancient Chinese characters is an instructive job.
A. to B.for C. of D. from
「解析」把定语从句先行词 the study 还原回从句中得出: You have been making the study of the ancient Chinese characters. 因此答案为: C
7 删除附加结构,将复杂句还原成简单句【外语@教育网wwwwww.for68.com】
「例」John plays football ____, if not better than, David.
A. as well B. as well as C. so well D. so well as
「解析」将插入语 if not better than 删除得出: John plays football as well as David.因此答案为:B
8 将省略句还原成完整的句子
「例」——Do you know what Tom does all day
——I know he spends at least as much time watching TV as he ____his lessons.
A. is doing B. does C. spends in D. does doing
「解析」将连词as 后的从句还原完整,得出: …as he spends (in) doing his lessons. 此句中的 spends 可用来代替.因此答案为:does