56. Although all humans share the same set of genes, ___________ can inherit different forms of a given gene, making each person genetically unique.
A. persons
B. peoples
C. individuals
D. beings
57. As he hasn’t sorted out his business in the UK, he intends to apply for a/an ____________ of his passport.
A. lengthening
B. prolonging
C. extension
D. enlarging
58. It was in the village _________now is a small town that the earthquake occurred.
A. where
B. which
C. that
D. in which
59. Last month, part of Southeast Asia was struck by floods, from ________effects the people are still suffering.
A. whose
B. that
C. how
D. what
60. _________might be expected, the response to the question was very difficult.
A. That
B. As
C. It
D. What