Passage Two
Questions 36 to 40 arc based on the following passage.
Natural gas began with the plant and animal life of the earth’s prehistoric seas.Dead organisms settled on the ocean floor and were covered by layers of mud,silt(淤泥),and the layers of mud,silt,and sand were compressed into solid rock.As millions of years passed,these rock layers bucked shifted.and accumulation
of gas and oil were displaced and became trapped beneath masses of nonporous rock.
Primitive man discovered natural gas quite by accident.The temple fires of Baku on the Caspian Sea(里海)were fired by natural gas seeping(渗漏)from rock fissures(裂缝),and worshipers(礼拜者,崇拜者)of hire journeyed to Baku from ad afar away as India.The mysterious“burning springs”in North America and elsewhere were also evidence of escaping gas,probably ignited by lighting.
The first industrial application of natural gas was made by the Chinese.Gas transported by bamboo pipes was burned to evaporate brine and produce salt.Today there are some twenty—six thousand industrial uses for natural gas,and new uses are constantly being developed.
Gas manufactured from coal was first produced early in the seventeenth century
Because of its elusive nature, it was called ghost, meaning “ghost”-hence, some
day ,our word gas.
36.The original material for natural gas were prehistoric .
A)plant life B)animal life C)minerals D)both a and b
37.The natural forces acting on the material were .
A)decay B)heat C)pressure D)all of the above
38.Over time,layers covering these materials changed to
A)rock B)oil C)mud D)all of the above
39.The occurrence of natural gas at Baku was once linked with
A)medicine B)religion C)chemistry D)geology
40.The probably cause of the “burning springs” is given as .
A)earthquakes B)heat C)lighting D)pressure