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来源:网络 2014年5月15日
导读: 2014年湖南成人学位英语考试时间2014年5月24日。

  Part III Vocabulary and Structure (20 points)
  Directions: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.
  36. It is Thomas Edison that _____ the electric lamp.
  A. invented
  B. discovered
  C. designed
  D. developed
  37. _________ , the group of pop singers are visiting all parts of the country.
  A. At present
  B. On time
  C. In the future
  D. In the past
  38. I felt very nervous as I went into his office, and he did not _________ from his desk when I entered.
  A. look out
  B. look down
  C. look around
  D. look up
  39. As I felt so much better, my doctor ________ me to take a holiday by the sea
  A. suggested
  B. advised
  C. recommended
  D. considered
  40. I love thinking of new designs. It keeps my mind clear and active and fills my retired life with ________.
  A. sorrow
  B. anxiety
  C. joy
  D. anger
  41. —He looks so young!
  —I agree with you. He may look 30, but he is _________45.
  A. actually
  B. basically
  C. accordingly
  D. entirely
  42. All the mothers __________at the party were happy with the children’s performances.
  A. thankful
  B. present
  C. interested
  D. important
  43. The bookseller cannot get enough books to _______ the needs of their customers.
  A. meet
  B. please
  C. fill
  D. contain
  44. Parents have _______ their concern about violence in some children’s shows.
  A. complained
  B. expected
  C. expressed
  D. accepted
  45. William is clever though he’s never been in college. So you should not _________him
  A. look forward to
  B. look down upon
  C. pay attention to
  D. think highly of

学位英语:2014年学位英语考试报名考试大纲 冲刺必备试题

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