导读: 2014年湖南成人学位英语考试时间2014年5月24日。
Passage Two
The ships in which men hunt whales are very strongly constructed. The crew must be both courageous and strong, because they are going to fight the biggest of all animals. Many of the whaling ships sail from Norway, which is famous for its sailors.
When a whaling ship reaches the whaling grounds (the part of the sea where whales are found). All the sailors keep a watch for whales. One at a time they stand high up on a mast so that they can see a great distance.
Whales breathe air as we do. When they breathe out, the air mixes with water, and a jet of water is shot up above the surface of the sea. The sailor up above watches for these jets of water. When he sees one of them, he shouts, “There she blows!”
Motor-boats, called whalers, are lowered to the water, and they speed off towards the whale, and try to get close to the whale while it is still on the surface. An exciting moment comes when a harpoon is shot. This is a sharp spear with hooks that prevents it from being pulled out after it has gone into the whale. It is fastened to a long, light but very strong rope, which is carefully placed in the boat so that it will run out smoothly.
As soon as the whale is struck by the harpoon, it drives deep under and swims away as fast as it can. It pulls the rope after it and the whaling boat follows on the surface at full speed. Soon the whale comes up to the surface to breathe. The whalers want to be near when it comes up, in order to shoot another harpoon at it.
There is always the danger that the whale may turn round and attack the boat which is following it. The whale has a very strong tail, with which it can attack the boat and destroy it. The whalers watch for the attack. They get out of the way as quickly as they can, and once more they attack. They get out of the way to fire the harpoon gun.
At last the whale tires itself out. The whalers follow it, so as to be near when the great whale floats dead on the sea. The whaling ship is brought close to the whale, and the whalers begin to cut out the blubber for which they have fought so hard. It is heated in large pots and the oil is poured into barrels or other containers in which it is stored. When the ship has a full load it returns to port.
21. Why are ships in which men hunt whales very strongly constructed?
A. The sailors are big and strong.
B. They must have high masts.
C. Whales are very big animals.
D. They are made in Norway.
22. Why do the sailors stand high up on the mast?
A. They can see a long way.
B. The whale cannot reach them.
C. Whales are very big.
D. They can get close to the whale.
23. Why does the harpoon stay in the whale?
A. It goes in a long way.
B. It has hooks.
C. It is fastened to a strong rope.
D. It is carefully placed.
24. What does the whale do as it has been hit by the harpoon?
A. It comes up to the surface.
B. It follows the whaling boat.
C. It swims away on the surface at full speed.
D. It swims away deep under the water at full speed.
25. How can a struck whale attack and destroy a whaler?
A. with its great strength
B. with a jet of water
C. with its strong tail
D. with its breath
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