导读: 2014年湖南成人学位英语考试时间2014年5月24日。
11. Jackie: Is there much for a secretary to remember?
Nicolas: Oh yes! You’ll need a brain like a computer to store all the information.
Jackie: _______ Are you trying to discourage me before I even start?
A. That’s just fine.
B. I’m really shocked.
C. I hope you’re joking.
D. I’m very disappointed.
12. Ted: What are you doing with all those books?
Pat: Trying to revise things for the exam tomorrow.
Ted: The last-night rush, you mean? _______
A. It’s useful.
B. Good luck!
C. Work hard, then.
D. Come on, it never works.
13. Jeff: What’s on Television this evening? ________
Tina: Why ask me that? You know I never watch it.
A. Please tell me.
B. I feel like relaxing.
C. Let’s have a cup of tea
D. Just turn on the television.
14. Kate: That was a good party! I really enjoyed myself.
Sam: _______. Now for a good night’s sleep.
Kate: Oh no, come on, Sam. Won’t you give me a hand with the clearing-away?
A. Yes, so did I!
B. Enjoy yourself.
C. Excuse me. I’m leaving.
D. No, let’s forget it altogether.
15. Daniel: You look so excited. _________
Viola: I’m thinking about the cake of my birthday tomorrow.
A. What’s new?
B. What happened?
C. What’s so funny?
D. What’s in your mind?
学位英语:2014年学位英语考试报名考试大纲 冲刺必备试题