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- 第3页:Translation Section A(英译汉)21-25
- 第4页:Translation Section B(汉译英)26-30
Translation Section A
21、 But if all of them had worked separately and independently without division of labor, they certainly could not have made twenty pins in a day and not even one.(Passage 3)
22、 While the other levels involve physical satisfaction, that is, the feed in, comfort, safety, and transportation, this level stresses mental needs for recognition, achievement, and happiness.(Passage 2)
23、 In Chinese and in English literature, a phrase like "he went pale and begin to tremble" suggests that the man is either very afraid or he has just got a very big shock. (Passage 3)
24、They contain the quickest and the most efficient means of communicating within their respective culture. (Passage 1)
25、 The agriculture revolution in the nineteenth century involved two things: the invention of labor-saving machinery and the development of scientific agriculture. (Passage 3)
21、 But if all of them had worked separately and independently without division of labor, they certainly could not have made twenty pins in a day and not even one.(Passage 3)
22、 While the other levels involve physical satisfaction, that is, the feed in, comfort, safety, and transportation, this level stresses mental needs for recognition, achievement, and happiness.(Passage 2)
23、 In Chinese and in English literature, a phrase like "he went pale and begin to tremble" suggests that the man is either very afraid or he has just got a very big shock. (Passage 3)
24、They contain the quickest and the most efficient means of communicating within their respective culture. (Passage 1)
25、 The agriculture revolution in the nineteenth century involved two things: the invention of labor-saving machinery and the development of scientific agriculture. (Passage 3)