Passage Three
There is a definite possibility that the climate of the world may be changing.Some scientists imagine that this could even mean the beginning of another ice age.The effects of such a change in climate on the human population of the world would be startling.
Recent research suggests that the general warming trend of the past hundred years or so may be coming to an end.During the past ten years,meteorologists tell US the average temperature of the earth has dropped about one degree Fahrenheit.This does not seem like much,but it could have effects on wind and rain patterns which influence the overall weather picture.If these patterns change a lot,it could mean that certain regions of the world may continue to have long droughts while others will possibly suffer from widespread flooding.
What regulates the climate is not exactly known.Meteorologists believe that clouds may be an important factor in regulating the amount of solar heat held by the earth,which in turn determines the temperature of the planet.Another possibility is that man’s industrial and agricultural methods may be affecting the natural weather patterns.However,the weather is not understood well enough for scientists to say for certain what is happening to the climate and what side effects this will actually have on the world’S population.
21.According to the text,the climate of the world seems to __________ .
A.be getting colder
B.be getting warmer
C.remain the same in the past ten years
D.have good effects on the world’S population
22.According to what you have read,which of the following is TRUE?
A.Man’s activities have no effect on the climate.
B.Another ice age will come soon.
C.People don’t care about the changing climate.
D.Scientists are not yet sure about the reason for the changing climate.
23.A meteorologist is a person who __________ .
A.reads weather forecasts on radio or television
B.thinks there will be another ice age
C.studies and knows about the weather
D.believes there will be widespread flooding
24.Which of the following may be factors that affect the natural weather patterns?
B.The amount of heat the earth receives.
C.Man’S industrial and agricuhural methods.
D.All of the above.
25.The best title for the text would be __________ .
A.Droughts and Floods B.Meteorologists
C.Changing Climate D.Solar Heat
Passage Four
The English have the reputati。n of being very different from all。ther nati。nalities·It is claimed that living on an island separated from the rest of Europe has much to d。with it·WhateVer the reasons,it may be fairly stated that the Englishman has develoPed sone attitudes and habits distinguishing him from other nationalities.
Broadly speaking,the Englishman is a quiet,shy,and reserved person among people he knows well.Before strangers he often seems inhibited,even embarrassed.You have only to witness a railway compartment any morning or evening to see the truth. Serious—looking businessmen and women sit reading their newsPapers or dozing(打盹)in a COrner,and no one speaks.An English wit once suggested to overseas visitors,“0n entering a railway compartment shake hands with all the passengers.”Needless to say,he was not being serious.There is an unwritten but clearly understood code of behavior, which, if broken, makes the person immediately the object of suspicion.
It is well known that the English seldom show openly extremes of enthusiasm,emotion etc.Of course.Englishman feels no less than any other nationality. Imagine a man commenting on the great beauty of a young girl. A man of more emotional temperament might describe her as“a malwelous jewel”.while the Englishman will flatly state“Um,she’s all right.”An Englishman may recommend a highly successful and enjoyable film to friends by sommentin9,“It’s not bad.”The overseas visitors must not be disappointed by this apparent lack of interest.They must realize that “all right”,“not bad”are very。ften used with the sense of“first class”,“excellent”-This special use of language is particularly common in English.
26.One explanation for the different character of English people is that __________ .
A.they are geographically isolated from the European continent
B.they have nothing to do with the other Europeans
C.they like to keep quiet among their acquaintances
D.they tend to be reserved by nature
27.The word“inhibited”(Line 2,Para.2)in this passage probably means __________ .
A.unable to have good manners B.unable to express and relax freely
C.able to act properly D.able to talk freely
28.According to the passage,on entering a railway compartment,an overseas visitor is expected to __________ .
A.inquire about the code of behavior in the train
B.shake hands with all the passengers
C.shake hands with the person he knows
D.behave like an Englishman
29.The English way of commenting on something or somebody suggests that __________ .
A.the English are modest in most circumstances
B.the English feel no less than any other nationality
C.the English tend to display less emotion than they feel
D.the English don’t take a strong interest in making comment
30.What does the passage mainly discuss?
A.The differences between the English and the other Europeans.
B.The different character of the Englishman and its reason.
C.The reasons for English people’S shyness.
D.The code of behavior of the nationalities in Europe.
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