Katherine walked into a newspaper office, and demanded to see the editor. Fortunately, the editor was passing the inquiry office when she asked for him. Seeing she was a girl of school age, he thought it might offer him an amusing five minutes between interviews.
Katherine was very rude to him when he told her they didn‘t accept schoolgirls. She said she was surprised that the editor of a great London newspaper did not know how to behave like a gentleman. The editor sat back in his chair and laughed heartily. He had never been spoken to like that in his life. He rather liked it for its novelty. After some further conversation, in which Katherine attempted to persuade him that she could do anything he wanted, from writing a leading article to a serial story, she said: “I am not going to leave this room until you put me on the staff!”
Then the editor had to speak to her rather seriously, and told her what a great London newspaper meant to a girl and how utterly ignorant she was of everything that would make her useful as a journalist. Upon this Katherine burst into tears, and the editor, who had dismissed many men in the course of his career, walked up and down the room wondering what he could do for this extraordinary young girl whose tearful eyes were so full of disappointment.
“Look here,” he said, “if you come to me in two years‘ time, with a knowledge of shorthand, and if you promise not to shed tears on my blotting paper, I will give you something to do.”
“Really? If you don‘t mind, I’ll have it in black and white,” said the girl.
The editor was startled. He began to think that this young girl was not so young as she looked. He drafted out an agreement for her on the lines laid down with a great deal of solemnity(严肃)which he found quite amusing, for he was confident that the young girl might quite as well change her mind or would be engaged to a nice boy long before the agreement took effect.
1. The real reason why the editor decided to interview the girl was that he _____.
A. heard her asking for him
B. was not very busy
C. thought it would amuse him
D. liked to work with young girls
答案:A.答题依据是段后一句话“It‘s amazing how many candidates to eliminate themselves,” “he say. 和第二段句Resumes arrive with stains.前一句是结果,后一句是原因。题干中job applicants,rejected分别与文中candidates,eliminate对应。答案选项中的carelessness与文中stain对应。
2. “He rather liked it for its novelty” means he liked it because it was _____.
A. unusual
B. pleasant
C. courageous
D. friendly
答案:C.答题时首先要依靠上下文。第三段句话中的too…to结构是设问:我们会不会对细节过份注重?第二句话中struggle over little things at the cost of something larger they work toward意思是:以牺牲要做的大事为代价而注重一些鸡毛蒜皮的小事。由此可见Perfectionists(完美主义者)是一种事无巨细一概追求尽善尽美,但往往又失去主要目标的人。后一句To keep from the forest for the trees相当于中文的“只见树木不见森林”,“抓了芝麻丢了西瓜”一类说法。答题时还应搞清这一段在全文语篇发展中所起的承上启下的作用。本文前两段是批评人们粗枝大叶,不拘小节。这一段转而告诫人们不要过于拘泥于小节,吹毛求疵,而应该在注意细节的同时不忘整体。
3. The editor walked up and down the room, because he was _____.
A. rather angry with her
B. afraid other people would hear her crying
C. not sure whether he should dismiss her or not
D. trying to make a decision
答案:A.推理依据有两处,处是第三段第二句话中struggle over little things at the cost of something larger,言下之意是:过于注重细节往往要付出很大代价。另一处是文章后一段的后一句话,意思是:只要人们把手头的一件件小事做好就可能得到很大的报偿。根据这两处所述,我们可以推断,作者会这样劝告人们“虽然过于注重细节可能要付出大的代价,但我们还是不应该忽略它们”。
4. As their conversation continued, the editor _____.
A. changed his opinion of the girl
B. grew tired of her
C. became annoyed
D. thought she was too uneducated
答案:D.首先要考虑作者在第三段的后半部分引用Charles Garfield所说的话We must constantly ask ourselves how the details we‘re working on fit into the larger picture. If they don’t, we should drop them and move to something else(我们必须不断地问自己,当前做的细节小事是否与整体大事相适应。如果不是这样,就应该放下它们,去做别的事)。作者的观点是:人们在做事时应时时注意调整局部与整体的关系。那么,什么是整体?在第四段中,作者以the Apollo II moon launch为例证,具体说明:目标是整体的关键所在,即在做事的过程中不断调整局部与全局的关系是为了终实现已确定的目标。
5. When the editor drafted out the agreement for the girl, he _____.
A. hoped that this would please the girl
B. wished that it would take effect soon
C. adopted a rather serious attitude
D. didn‘t mean what he wrote
答案:C.答案应综合文章前后两部分的内容。前半部分说明粗枝大叶的害处,后半部分说明光注重细节而忽略细节与整体的关系同样是有害的。干扰项A、B内容均太窄,D项是细枝末节,与文章中心思想关联甚少。Passage Four本文介绍了古今世界各地不同的婚俗风情。