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来源:233网校 2017年3月31日

Translation Part IV Translation From English into Chinese (20 points)
  During the middle of the 19th century, ( 51 ) Germany, along with other European nations,suffered from workplace deaths and accidents as a result of growing industrialization. ( 52 ) Driven in part by Christian love for the helpless as well as a practical political impulse to undercut the sup-port of the socialist labor movement, Chancellor Bismarck created the world' s first workers' compensation law in 1884.
  By 1908, the United States was the only industrial nation in the world that lacked workers' compensation insurance. America' s injured workers could sue for damages in a court of law, but they still faced a number of legal barriers. (53).For example, employees had to prove that their in-juries directly resulted from employer negligence and: that they themselves were ignorant about potential dangers in the workplace. The first state workers' compensation law-in this country passed in 1911, and the program soon spread throughout the nation.
  After World War II , benefit payments to American workers did not keep up with the cost of living. In 1970, President Richard Nixon set up a national commission to study the problems of workers' compensation. Two years later, the commission issued 19 key recommendations, including one that called or increasing compensation benefit levels to 100 percent of the states' average weekly wages.
  In fact, the average compensation benefit in America has climbed from 55 percent of the states' average weekly wages in 1972 to 97 percent today. (54)But, as most studies show, every10 percent increase in compensation benefits results in a 5 percent increase in the numbers of workers who file for claims. (55) And with so much more money floating in the workers' compensation system, it' s not surprising that doctors and lawyers have helped themselves to get a large slice of the growing pie.
  第51题 Germany, along with other European nations,suffered from workplace deaths and accidents as a result of growing industrialization.
  第52题 Driven in part by Christian love for the helpless as well as a practical political impulse to undercut the sup-port of the socialist labor movement, Chancellor Bismarck created the world' s first workers' compensation law in 1884.
  第53题 For example, employees had to prove that their in-juries directly resulted from employer negligence and: that they themselves were ignorant about potential dangers in the workplace.
  第54题 But, as most studies show, every10 percent increase in compensation benefits results in a 5 percent increase in the numbers of workers who file for claims.
  第55题 And with so much more money floating in the workers' compensation system, it' s not surprising that doctors and lawyers have helped themselves to get a large slice of the growing pie.
  Writing Part V Writing (30 points)
  第56题 For this part, you are required to write a composition on the topic "Shopping Online". You should write at least 120 words, and your composition should be based on the outline given in Chinese below and write your composition on the Answer sheet.
  答案:Shopping Online
  Nowadays,online shopping has been a fashion in most of cities due to the rapid development of Internet technology.
  Online shopping is welcomed by most people due to various reasons.On the one hand,it can save much time on the way between home and store.On the other hand,online stores can provide various goods to satisfy our endless need.However,there are still some defects in online shop-pin9.Firstly,lack of the face-to-ace deal makes online shopping less reliable and trustworthy.Secondly,people will lose the fun of bargain.
  In my opinion,shopping on the Internet is all irreversible trend.More and more people will be accustomed to it.And at the same time we should take some measures to make it perfect。Only in this way can we enjoy the pleasure and convenience of online shopping without the concern of being cheated.




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