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来源:233网校 2017年4月4日

Part IV Cloze Test Part IV Cloze Test (10 points)
  第76题 根据以下资料,回答下面试题:
  Many businesses, associations, and other organizations maintain a library to (76 ) the special needs of their workers and members.( 77) libraries fall into the general category of special libraries.
  The library of a newspaper is a special library.( 78 ) is the library of a bank, of an advertising agency, or of a company that makes airplanes.The New York Times, ( 79 ) , maintains a special library for the use of its editors and researchers.
  Special libraries ( 80 ) from tiny rooms to huge buildings.Some spend millions of dollars each year providing library services.The ( 81 ) of special libraries depend on the needs of the organization they support.In fast-developing fields, special library collections may include few books.These libraries may rely ( 82 ) on journals, electronic resources, newspaper clippings, and research or government reports.
  Most special libraries ( 83 ) helping their users keep up with rapid developments in a particular field of knowledge.Many of these users are professionals ( 84 ) need up-to-date information to make important decisions.
  Most special libraries have( 85 ) information on general topics.Therefore, special librarians make extensive use of other sources of information, such as on-line databases, government agencies, research libraries, and university libraries.
  第76题 请把答案填入( )。
  A.stress  B.recognize  C.serve  D.consider
  第77题 请把答案填入( )。
  A.Some  B.Such  C.The other  D.Many other
  第78题 请把答案填入( )。)
  A.Also  B.So  C.Likewise  D.Too
  第79题 请把答案填入( )。
  A.at first  B.at last  C.for example  D.for the time being
  第80题 请把答案填入( )。
  A.differ  B.stretch  C.extend  D.range
  第81题 请把答案填入( )。
  A.contents  B.texts  C.subjects  D.details
  第82题 请把答案填入( )。
  A.rarely  B.instead  C.still  D.readily
  第83题 请把答案填入( )。
  A.go through  B.inquire into  C.allow for  D.focus on
  第84题 请把答案填入( )。
  A.who  B.whoever  C.whose  D.which
  第85题 请把答案填入( )。
  A.much  B.little  C.many  D.few
  Part V Writing (15point) Part V Writing (15point)
  第86题 Directions: You are to write in no less than 120 words on the topic of “What I am proud of doing in my work OR my study”.Note: Choose only one to write about.Your writing may be based on the Chinese outline give below:
  答案:What I am proud of doing in my study
  As a student, the most remarkable thing I ever remembered is doing chemical experiments. This is also what I am proud of doing in my study. I cherish every chance when there is a time for doing experiments. The reasons may be listed as the following.
  To begin with, doing chemical experiments is a good way to deepen my understanding of what I have learned in my chemistry class. Learning science is absolutely different from learning humanistic subjects. It emphasizes more on the application of book knowledge. When doing experiments, I am happy to check the knowledge in my textbook during the process of experiment and it is in this process that I developed a strong interest in chemistry and laid a solid foundation for my further study. Secondly, doing experiments is beneficial for developing a strict and precise attitude toward science. I should be extreme careful when designing experiments because no small mistakes are allowed, otherwise I cannot obtain the expected results. Besides, since it is very easy for various chemical elements to react when mixed together, I should decide the precise amount used in experiments. All these contribute to develop a strict mind.
  To conclude, doing chemical experiments is the most rewarding experiences in my study. I am proud of the ability in doing experiments.




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