Career Hopping
Today, growing numbers of men and women are changing careers or getting second starts in careers that have greater appeal to them.(今天越来越多的人换工作或者选择对他们有更大吸引力的第二份职业)Many people find their job is not satisfactory and want to change for a different job.(很多人发现他们的工作不是很令人满意,所以想去换另外一份工作)
Job changes and careers shifts occur at all ages.(换工作在任何年龄段都会发生)It is estimated that as many as one out of four male workers between the age of twenty and twenty-five change their lines of work.(据估计每四名年龄在20至25岁之间的男性工人会改变他们的工作)About half that number do so between the age of 25 to 44.(据估计每八名年龄在25至44岁之间的男性工人会改变他们的工作)Some married women will combine child-rearing responsibilities with new career lines.(一些已婚的女性会把抚养孩子的责任和新的职业生涯结合起来)
Motives for changing careers vary widely, but many people move because they feel bored with the dull routine.(跳槽的动机很多,但很多人是因为他们厌倦了枯燥的常规性的工作)By a new second start, they might do what they want to do.(通过重新开始,他们或许能做他们想做的事情)Some people go back to school to get trained before they make a shift in their jobs.(一些人回到学校接受训练在他们改变自己的职业生涯之前)
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