Making a Phone Call or Writing a Letter.
When there is a need to communicate with people, we either make a phone call or write a letter.(当我们需要和别人交流时,我们选择打电话或者写信) Some people like making a phone call while others prefer writing a letter.(一些人喜欢打电话而另外一些人喜欢写信)
The advantage of phoning is evident.( 打电话的好处很明显)It is fast and convenient.( 它很快捷方便)We can contact anyone at any time to discuss things.(我们可以随时和任何人谈论事情)However, long-distance calls are much more expensive than writing letters.(然而,打长途电话比写信要贵很多) Writing letters is cheap but it takes days or even weeks for a letter to reach its destination.(写信较便宜,但要花好几天甚至好几周才能到达目的地)
Both making a phone call and writing a letter are effective means of communication.(打电话和写信都是有效的交流方式)It is wise to make use of them both on different occasions.(在不同的场合使用两者中的某一个是明智的选择)
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