

来源:233网校 2016年8月3日

  第44题单选 根据以下材料,回答下面试题

  The intelligence test used most often today are based on the work of a Frenchman,Alfred Binet.In l905,Binet Was asked by the French Ministry of Education to develop a way to identify those childtIin French schools who were too“mentally deficient(不足的)”to benefit from ordinary schooling andwho needed special education.The tests had to distinguish those who were merely behind in schoodfrom those who were actually mentally deficient.

  The items that Binet and his colleague Theophile Simon included on the test were chosen on the basis of their ideas about intelligence.Binet and Simon believed intelligence includes such abilitiesas understanding the meaning of words;solving problems,and making commonsense judgements.Two other important assumptions also shaped Binet’s and Simon’s work:(1)that children with moreintelligence will do better in school and(2)that older children have a greater ability than youngerchildren.

  Binet’S first test consisted of t}lirty tasks.They were simple things most children learn as a result oftheir everyday experiences.The tasks were arranged in groups.according to age.Binet decided whichtasks were appropriate for a given age group by giving them first to a large number of children of differentages.If more than half of the children of a given age passed a test,it was considered appropriate for thatage group.

  第44题单选 The main purpose of this passage is to.

  A.tell the origin of intelligence tests

  B.explain the basic principle of intelligence tests

  C.describe the changes in the content of intelligence tests

  D.state the development of intelligence tests

  第45题单选 What was the purpose of the intelligence test designed by Alfred Binet in l905?

  A.To select top students.

  B.To know who had received ordinary schooling

  C.To put students in a right order.

  D.To make sure who required particular treatment.

  第46题单选 Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

  A.Intelligence includes word understanding and problem solving.

  B.More intelligent children usually do better in school.

  C.The French Ministry of Education was charged with the development of first intelligence tests.

  D.Intelligence is related with age.

  第47题单选 How did Binet decide which task to include on his first test?

  A.He first worked out thirty tasks for mentally deficient children.

  B.He first gave all the tasks to many children both younger and older.

  C.He first gave the tasks to many children he thought appropriate.

  D.He first gave some of the tasks tO different groups of children.

  第48题单选 根据以下材料,回答下面试题

  The strange close understanding between twins is a familiar enough phenomenon.Often theyseem to understand each other and share each other’s emotions to such an extent that one suspectssome kind of thought communication.

  What is not so widely known is that this special relationship often acts as brake on twins’intellectual development.As they are partly isolated in their own private world,twins communicate lesswith adults than do other children.The verbal ability of a four—year—old twin is typically six monthsbehind that of a non-twin.The problem can be particularly severe in an underprivileged family,aone-parent family for example,where there is little stimulation for children anyway.

  Such children,while capable of mutual comprehension in a private language,often remainincomprehensible to outsiders and thus at a severe educational disadvantage.The only solution tothe problem,cruel though it may seem,is to separate the twins thus forcing them to acquire ordinaryspeech helped and guided by sympathetic parents and teachers.

  第48题单选 Many people don’t know that.

  A.twins understand each other very well

  B.twins are slow to learn to talk

  C.twins are unlikely to do less well at school than other children

  D.there exists more communication between twins

  第49题单选 What’s the reason for twins to be at a disadvantage in their intellectual development?

  A.They can only understand their own private language.

  B.They communicate with outsiders less than non-twins.

  C.There is little stimulation for them.

  D.Adults don’t like to talk with them.

  第50题单选 The author probably feels that twins’problem.

  A.can not be solved because solution iS very cruel

  B.can be solved because twins will be separated

  C.can not be solved unless the twins are forced to live in an ordinary environment

  D.can be solved if the adults communicate with them more often

  第51题单选 The writer mentions all of the items listed below EXCEPT.

  A.twins can help each other

  B.twins share each other’S emotion

  C.twins are able to understand each other in a private language

  D.twins communicate less with their parents

  第52题单选 根据以下材料,回答下面题

  How can we get rid of garbage?Do we have enough energy sources to meet our future energyneeds?

  These are two important questions that many people are asking today.Some people think thatman might be able to solve both problems at the same time.They suggest using garbage as an energysource.and at the same time it can save the land to hold garbage.

  For a long time,people buried garbage or dumped it on empty land.Now,empty land is scarce·But more and more garbage is produced each year.However,garbage can be a good fuel to use.Thethings in garbage do not look like coal,petroleum,or natural gas;but they are chemically similar totllese fossil fuels.As we use up our fossil—fuel supplies,we might be able to use garbage as an energysource.Burning garbage is not a new idea.Some cities in Europe and the United States have beenburning garbage for years.The heat that is produced by burning garbage is used to boil water.Thesteam that is produced is used to make electricity or to heat nearby buildings.In Paris,France,somepower plants burn almost 2 million metric tons of the city’s garbage each year.The amount of energypmduced is about the same as would be produced by burning almost a half million barrels of oil.

  Our fossil fuel supplies are limited.Burning garbage might be one kind of energy source that wecan use to help meet our energy needs.This method could also reduce the amount of garbage pilingup on the earth.

  第52题单选 What two problems can be solved by burning garbage?

  A.The shortage of energy and air pollution.

  B.The shortage of energy and the land to hold garbage.

  C.Air pollution and the shortage of fossil fuel.

  D.Air pollution and the shortage of land to hold garbage.

  第53题单选 According to the passage,using garbage is.

  A.for heating in France each year

  B.a new way in a modern society

  C.a good way to solve the problem of energy shortage

  D.too expensive as an energy source

  第54题单选 What is the ant}lor’s attitude?





  第55题单选 The best title for the passage may be.

  A.Garbage and the Earth

  B.Fossil Fuel and Garbage

  C.Land and Garbage

  D.Garbage?Energy Source


  成考试题:2016成人高考专升本英语备考试题及答案 历年真题及答案

  考试报名:2016成人高考报名时间/入口 报名流程 招生简章




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