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Although ethics classes are common around the world,scientists are unsure if their lessons can actually change behavior,evidence either way is weak,relying on contrived laboratory tests or sometimes unreliable self-reports . But a new study published in Cognition found that ,in at least one real-world situation a singlethics lesson may have had lasting effects.
The researchers investigated one class sessions impact on eating meat.They chose this particular behavior for three reasons : according to study co-author EncSchwitgebel,a philosopher at the University of Califomnia Riverside :student sattitudes on the topic are varlable and unstable ; behavior is easily measurable,andethics literature largely agrees that eating less meat is good because it reduce senvironmental harm and animal suffering . Half of the students in four large philosophy classes read an article on the ethics of factory-farmed meat, optinally watched an 11-minute video on the topic and joined a 50-minute discussion . The other half focused on charitable giving instead .
Then unknown to the students . there searchers studied their anonymized meal card purchases for that semestermearly 14.000 receipts for almost 500 students Schwitzgebel predicted the intervention would have no effect ; he had previously found that ethics professors do not dffer fom other professors on arange of behaviors,including voting rates,blood donation and returning librarybooks.But among student subjects who discussed meat ethics,meal purchase scontaining meat decreased from 52 to 45 percent - and this efiet held steady for the study's duration of several weeks . Purchases fom the other group remained at 52 percent.
That,sactually a pretty large effect for a pretty small intervention Schwizgebel says . Psychologist Nina Strohminger at the University of Pennsylvania ,who was not involved in the study,says she wants the effect to be cannot rule out some unknown confounding variable . And if real shenotes, it might be reversible by another mudge:" Easy come,easy go Schwitzgebel suspects the greatest impact came from social.
Influence classmates or teaching assistants leading the discussions may have shared their own vegetarianism,showing it as achievable or more common.
Second , the video may have had an emotional impact . Least rousing,he thinks was rational argument ,although his co-authors say reason might play a bigger role . Now there searchers are probing the specific effets of teaching style,teaching assistant seating habits and students video exposure . Meanwhile Schwitzgebel - who had predicted no effect-will be eating his words.
36、Scientists generally believe that the effects of ethics classes are
A、hard to determine
B、narrowly interpreted
C、difficult to ignore
D、poorly summarized
37、Which of the following is a reason for the researchers to study meat-eating?
A、It is common among students.
B、It is a behavior easy to measure
C、It is important to students' health
D、It is a hot topic in ethics classes
38、Eric Schwitzgebel's previous findings suggest that ethics professors
A、are seldom critical of their students
B、are less sociable than other professors
C、are not sensitive to political issues
D、are not necessarily ethically better
39、Nina Strohminger thinks that the effect of the intervention is_
40、EricSchwitzgebel suspects that the studentschange in behavior
A、can bring psychologicalbenefits
B、can be analyzed statistically
C、is a result of multiple factors
D、is a sign of self-development
Moving your body has been shown to reduce anxietyanddepression, lower rates of many types of cancerand therisk of a heart attack, and improve overallimmunity. Italso helps build strength and stamina.
The Major Health Benefits of Even ModestExerciseBest Ways to Work Out on a TreadmillA Home ExercisePlan That Really WorksHow to Use Your Heart Rate toHelp YouWork Out
Best Equipment for a Home Gym Getting back into exercise can be a challenge in thebestof times, but with gyms and in-person exercise classes off-linits to many people these days becauseofcoVID-19 concerns, it can be tricky to know where tostart.And it's important to get the right dose of activity. "Too much too soon either results in injuryorburnout,"" says Mary Yoke,PhD, a faculty memberinGetting back into exercise can be a challenge in the best of times, but with gyms and in-person exerciseclasses off-limits to many people these days becauseofcOVID-19 concerns, it can be tricky to know where tostart.And it's important to get the right dose of
activity."Too much too soon either results in injuryorburnout," says Mary Yoke, PhD, a faculty member inthe kinesiology department at Indiana UniversityinBloomington.
Follow this advice to return to exercise safely.
Don't try to go back to what you were doing beforeyourbreak. If you were walking 3 miles a day, playing 18holes of golf three times a week , or lifting 10-
pounddumbbel1s for three sets of 10 reps, reduce activityto 1/mile every other day, or nine holes of golf onceaweek with short walks on other days, or use 5-pounddumbbells for one set of 10 reps.
Increase time, distance, and intensity gradually.
"Thisisn't something you can do overnight," Denay says.But you'll reap benefits such as less anxiety
andimproved sleep right away.
If you're breathing too hard to talk in complete sentences, back off. If you feel good, go a little 1ongerorfaster. Feeling wiped out after a session? Go easiernext time.And stay alert to serious symptoms, suchaschest pain or pressure, severe shortness of breath or attent1onimmediately.
Consistency is the key to getting stronger andbuildingendurance and stamina.
Ten minutes of activity per day is a good start,saysMarcus Jackovitz, DPT, a physical therapist at theUniversity of Miami Hospita1.All the experts wespokewith highly recommend walking because it's theeasiest, most accessible form of exercise.Although itcan be a workout on its own, if your goal is to get backtoZumba classes, tennis,cvcling,or any other activitvy,walking is also a great first step.
Combine cardio exercise,such as walking, withstrengthtraining to keep your muscles and bones inoptimalshape. It can be as easy as standing up andsitting downfrom a chair five to 10 times.
For your upper body, do five to 10 pushups against awal1or high counter. Or use low-cost resistance bands,whichallow you to do more exercises than dumbbel1lsdo andtake up less space.
Exercising with others "can keep you accountableandmake it more fun, so you're more likely to do itagain,"Jackovitz says.
You can do activities such as golf and tennis or take awalk with others and still be socially distant. Butwhenyou can't connect in person, consider usingtechnology. Chat on the phone with a friend while youwalk around your neighborhood.FaceTime or Zoomwitha relative as you strength train or stretch at home.
You can also join a livestream or on-demanaexereseclass.silverSneakers offers them forolder adults, or try EverWalk for virtual challenges.Editor's Note: A version of this article also appearedinthe January 2021 issue of Consumer Reports On Health.
A.make it a habit .
B.don't go it alone
C.start low go slow
D.Talk with your doctor.
E.listen to your body
F.go through the motions
G.Round out your routine.
Although we try our best, sometimes our paintings rarely turn out as originally planned. Changes in the light, the limitations of your painting materials and the lack of experience and technique mean that what you start out trying to achieve may not come to life the way that you expected.
Although this can be frustrating and disappointing, it turns out that this can actually be good for you. Unexpected results have two benefits: you pretty quickly learn to deal with disappointment and realise that when one door closes, another opens. You also quickly learn to adapt and come up with creative solutions to the problems the painting presents and thinking out side the box will become your Second nature. In fact, creative problem-solving skills are incredibly useful in daily life, with which you’re more likely to be able to find a solution when problem arises.
47. suppose you are planning a campus food festival, write anemail to international students in your university to
1) introduce the food festival
2) invite them to participate
You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET.
Do not use your one name. Use“Li Ming" instead. (10 points)
48.Write an essay based on the chart below. In your writing.you should
1) interpret the chart, and
2) give your comments
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