Bushel weights蒲式耳重量单位
wheat and soybeans 小麦和大豆 1bushel 蒲式耳=60 lbs 磅
corn 、sorghum and rye 玉米、高梁和黑麦 1bushel 蒲式耳 =56 lbs 磅
oats 燕麦 1bushel 蒲式耳=40 lbs 磅
Bushel to tonnes蒲式耳与吨的换算
wheat and soybeans 小麦和大豆 1 bushels 蒲式耳= 0.027216吨
corn、sorghum and rye 玉米、高梁和黑麦 1 bushels 蒲式耳= 0.0254 吨
oats 燕麦 1 bushels 蒲式耳=0.0172 吨
1 tonne(metric ton)equals 吨 = 2204.622lbs 磅
= 1,000kilograms 千克
= 22.046hundredweight 美担
= 10 quintals 公担
36.7437 bushels 蒲式耳 of wheat or soybeans 小麦和大豆
39.3683 bushels 蒲式耳 of corn ,sorghum or rye 玉米,高梁和黑麦
58.0164 bushels 蒲式耳 oats 燕麦
4.5929cotton bales (the statistical bale used by the USDA and ICAC contains a netweight of 480pounds of lint)
wheat小麦: 1 bushels per acre 蒲式耳/英亩=0.6725quintals per hectare 公担/公顷
rye,corn玉米,黑麦: 1 bushels per acre 蒲式耳/英亩=0.6277quintals per hectare公担/公顷
oats燕麦: 1 bushels per acre 蒲式耳/英亩=0.4247quintals per hectare 公担/公顷