
小学英语教师资格证面试教案模板:Our animal friends

来源:233网校 2020年4月10日

小学英语教师资格证面试一般要求要全英试讲,在写教案时,建议使用英文教案。以下是小学英语教师资格证面试教案范文:Our animal friends

小学英语资格面试教案:《Our animal friends》

Teaching aims:

①Knowledge aim: Students can read and recognize some words about animals such as parrot, rabbit, fish big, short, long, white, tail, wing, jump, run, etc and use sentence pattern “It has/ can......” to make sentences.

②Ability aim: Through activities and games, students can get the ability of describing animals, and their reading abilities can be improved.

③Emotional aim: Students can become more interested in learning English and love animals.

Teaching key and difficult points:

Teaching key point:

Words: parrot, rabbit, big, short, long, white, tail, wing, yellow, run, jump, fly, swim, etc.

Target language: It has/ can....

Teaching difficult point: students can use the words and sentences naturally in their daily life.

Teaching methods:

Communication teaching method; Task-based teaching method

IV. Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Warming up

1.Daily greeting and sing a song named “ Old MacDonald had a farm” with students together.

2.Show some pictures of animals on PPT and then ask them the questions “ what are these animals?” “ How to describe them?”

(Justification: Create an active atmosphere and then lead in the topic.)

Step 2 Pre-reading

Show students another picture with a bird and a monkey on PPT and then ask students to tell something about the two animals, and then tell them the new words “ fly”, “long” , “wing”and “tail” Use the same way to teach other new words .

(Justification: Teach some new words which may bring some difficulties during their reading, so they can finish the task much easier.)

Step 3 While-reading

(1) Fast reading :

Let students read the short story quickly and find out what these boys and girls are talking about. After reading, some students will be invited to share their ideas and give them properly praise.

(2) Careful reading:

Ask students to read the short story carefully and think about what animals do they have. After five minutes, ask some students to make a report in the class, and teacher writes their answers on the blackboard.

(Justification: Improve students’ ability of skimming and practice their logic thinking by finding some detailed information.)

Step 4 Post-reading

Ask students to discuss their animal friends and describe them by using the news words and sentence patterns in group of five in 5minutes, and then ask some students to share their answers. During this discussion teacher need to walk around and offer help when they need.

(Justification: Help students practice their new knowledge in the class and improve their ability of language organization.)

Step 5 Summary and homework

Summary: Lead students to review what they have learned today.

Homework: Ask students to write a paragraph about their favorite animal by using what they have learned today, and read it to their parents.

(Justification: Help students consolidate what they have learned today and improve their writing and speaking ability.)

Blackboard design









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