

来源:233网校 2016年7月5日



  1. Which of the following shows the proper rhythmical pattern of the sentence?


  2. In terms of manner of articulation, the sounds [p], [b], [t], [d], [k], [g] are__________.

  A. affricates

  B. fricatives

  C. bilabial

  D. oral stops

  3. The producers of oil and other __________ commodities have an advantage.

  A. fragile

  B. nonperishable

  C. waterproofed

  D. stainless

  4. Being__________ of money, she managed to save enough for a holiday.

  A. economic

  B. economical

  C. economics

  D. economies

  5. Farmers are allowed to grow small gardens of their own and they sell their vegetables__________ the black market.

  A. on

  B. at

  C. in

  D. for

  6. --I'll be away on a business trip. Would you mind looking after my cat?

  --Not at all.__________.

  A. I've no time

  B. I'd like it

  C. I'd rather not

  D. I'd be happy to

  7. Can you imagine the difficulty I had __________ language obstacles I first studied abroad?

  A. to overcome

  B. overcoming

  C. overcome

  D. overcame

  8.__________your valuable help, we couldn't have finished the experiment ahead of time.

  A. If it were not for

  B. Had it not been for

  C. Were it not for

  D. If it has not been for

  9. In a factory, Li, the guide, is interpreting for a group of foreign guests. When they have finished visiting one workshop, he would like the group to follow him to the next workshop. He says,“”.

  A. This way, please

  B. Come here

  C. Follow me

  D. Move on

  10. The relationship between "furniture" and "desk" is__________.

  A. hyponymy

  B. antonymy

  C. synonymy

  D. homonymy

  11. The core concept of the New Curriculum is __________.

  A. promoting the professional teachers' development

  B. letting the students choose the course independently

  C. advocating the constructivist learning

  D. for every student's development

  12. Which of the following belongs to the communicative approach?

  A. Focus on accuracy.

  B. Focus on fluency.

  C. Focus on strategies.

  D. Focus on comprehension.

  13. In a pre-listening activity, students need to learn to cope with some ambiguity in listening and realize that they can still learn even when they do not understand every single word. The aim of this activity is to develop the skill of__________.

  A. listening for specific information

  B. listening for gist

  C. listening for structure

  D. listening for vocabulary

  14. Which of the following statements is NOT a way of presenting new vocabulary?

  A. Defining.

  B. Using real objects.

  C. Writing a passage by using new words.

  D. Giving explanations.

  15. When teachers teach pronunciation to students, which suggestion is useless?

  A. Use hands and arms to conduct choral pronunciation practice.

  B. Move around the classroom when doing choral practice.

  C. Try to use visual aids.

  D. Rely on explanations.

试题推荐>>5套教师资格证考试《英语学科知识与能力》(高级中学) 深度押密卷


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