D打印 3-dimension print
人造器官 artificial organ
PM2.5排放 the emission of PM 2.5
北方沙尘暴 sandstorms from the north
植树造林工程 forest planting program
水循环利用工厂 plants for cycling water
减排 emission-reduction
必修课程 required course
信息技术 information technology
熬夜 stay up late
睡眠紊乱 sleep disorders
跨时区旅行 travel between time zones
快餐文化 fast food culture
月光族the moonlight group
就业难 tough employment situation
政府和国有企业 the government and state-owned firms
政府的铁饭碗 the safe shores of government work
加入初创企业 join startups
毕业就结婚 get married right after graduating
肥胖问题 problems of obesity
视力下降 decreased vision
黄金周 the Golden Week
交通拥堵 traffic jams
旅游景点人满为患 overcrowded tourist spots
物价上涨 rising prices
免通行费高速路 toll-free expressways