And today I am gonnatalk about my dream career. My dream is to be a horticulturist, growing plantsin the garden and being surrounded by flowers and greens. Firstly, I alwaysthink that for people living in the metropolis, manual work in the garden or inthe field is healthy for both the body and the mind. The ploughing and sowingexperience gives me the chance to sweat under the sun and taking care of themgives me the feeling of joy and satisfaction. Secondly, the plants are living things so seeing the healthy growth andthe blossom are exciting and rewarding. As the plants are delicate and tender,I need to exercise my attention to details, and that is a must-have quality fora gentle person. From all of reasons I mentioned above, we can see that being ahorticulturist makes me a more patient person, which is a great quality tohave.
5. 小组讨论
在学校展开career fair
重点关注可以拿来细说的第三个问题,怎么去吸引同学参加。你可以通过学校官网宣传,告诉大家这个career fair可以解决大家所有的关于就业的问题。
I plan to post thenews on our school’s official website and tell students that this career fairwill offer students with almost all possible solutions related to theirproblems about their career, in this way, the visitors will have more cleargoals instead of rushing around aimlessly to hunt for jobs. Therefore, they cansave their time and energy.
1. 自我介绍
2. 阅读与买车相关的短文
3. 回答与短文相关问题
Q1. 你会展示什么车(电动车还是烧油的车)?
Q 2. 在什么时候展示?
Q 3. 在什么地点展示?
Q 4. 怎样给你的show打广告?
I would like to buy anelectric car which helps protect the environment. A clean environment enablespeople to keep healthy physically and mentally, they get fresh air to breatheand large area of greenness to see. As a result, people’s sense of happiness willbe enhanced.
5. 小组讨论
Q1. 你会展示什么车(电动车还是烧油的车)?
Q 2. 在什么时候展示?
Q 3. 在什么地点展示?
Q 4. 怎样给你的show打广告?
I plan to stick up aposter and tell the customers that this car will offer them with almost allpossible solutions related to their problems about their driving experience, inthis way, the customers will have more interests instead of rushing around aimlesslyto consult the sales managers. Therefore, they can save their time and energy.