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Section B
Passage One


57. As is mentioned in the first paragraph,most people believe that __
A) ads are a waste of time 
B) ads are unavoidable in life
C) they are easily misled by ads 
D) they are not influenced by ads
58. What do we know about Madison Avenue inhard economic times?
A) It becomes more thriving byadvertising. 
B) It turns to advertising so as tosurvive.
C) It helps spread the influence ofadvertising. 
D) It keeps being prosperous thanks toadvertising.
59. What do we learn about PepsiCo andDisney from the passage?
A) Lindstmm was inspired by them to write abook. 
B) They get marketing advice fromLindstrom.
C) Lindstrom helps them to go through hardtimes. 
D) They attribute their success toLindstrom.
60. It is pointed out by Lindstrom thatadvertisers should __
A) rely more on everyday sounds 
B) rely more on neuromarketing
C) rely less on slogans 
D) rely less on sight effect
61. It is found by Lindstrom that a babygiggling is __
A) the most ignored 
B) the most familiar 
C) the most impressive 
D) the most distinctive




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