61.What is the meaning ofthe last sentence ofparagraph one?段话后一句是什么意思?
A.Vision assistance is listed on the list ofpopular worker interests.视力补助被列入受欢迎的员工福利清单。
B.Vision assistance is becoming more and more popular among employees.视力补助在员工中正变得越来越受欢迎。
C.Vision assistance is considered as one ofthe employee benefits.视力补助是员工福利之一。
D.Vision assistance is the top concern ofthe employees.视力补助是员工考虑的首要问题。
62.What are the functions ofeye examinations?眼科检查有哪些功能7
A.Identifying nearsightedness,farsightedness and astigmatism.检查近视、远视及散光。
B.Diagnosing systemic illness.诊断全身性疾病。
C.Diagnosing diabetes,brain aneurysms,liver disease and stroke.诊断糖尿病、脑动脉瘤、肝脏疾病及中风。
D.Identifying eyesight problems and detecting systemic illness.检查视力问题及发现全身性疾病。
63.What are the advantages ofright vision care plan for the employers?正确的眼部护理计划对雇主有哪些好处?
A.It Can lower the expenses ofthe employers.减少雇主的损失。
B.It helps the employers keep the employees.帮助雇主留住员工。
C.It can reduce the losses caused by eye problems and keep the workers.可以减少视力问题造成的损失并留住员工。
D.It can help increase the employees’income.帮助增加员工的收入。
64.What does the study of Service Excellence Group Inc.suggest?卓越服务集团股份有限公司的研究说明了什么?
A.The most successful vision insurance plan helps employees save the most money.成功的视力保险计划帮员工省钱。
B.A vision insurance plan helps employees save hundreds of dollars at a time.视力保险计划一次可以帮员工节省几百美元。
C.Eyeglasses at independent doctors cost more than those in retail chains.独立医生那里的眼镜比零售连锁店的贵。
D.Eyeglasses at independent doctors cost less than those in retail chains.独立医生那里的眼镜比零售连锁店的便宜。
65.What Can be learned from Shannon Enders’words?从香农•恩德斯的话中可以知道什么?
A.It takes a lot ofmoney to look beyond the premium.考虑保险费以外的问题要花很多钱。
B.Consideringthereal costofaplan coststoomuch.考虑计划的实际成本花费太多。.
C.The company should take employees’most concemed benefits seriously.公司应认真对待员工关心的福利问题。
D.The company should take vision insurance plan as a strategy.公司应当将视力保险计划看作一项战略。
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