46.what will be the consequence of his direct study of raw chemical components?如果他直接研究原材料的化学成分又会是什么结果呢?
47.What we really need for survival is the nutritional elements of food instead of the food itself.人们真正需要的不是食物本身,而是食物能带给我们的营养成分。
48.The concept of life hacking is to encourage people to live reasonably and to be yourself.生活黑客的概念鼓励人们合理生活、勇做自己。
49.Soylent is not prepared for our Sunday potlucks,but an alternative options for junk food.Soylent不是为我们的周末聚餐而准备的,而是垃圾食品的备选项。
50.Rent is definitely a cost you paid without the possibility ofregain.租金的确是一项支付了就没法再获得的支出。
51.I feel that I have become a man who could not be better than before in physical condition.我觉得我的身体状况比起以前来,好得不能再好了。
52.Soylent has predicted the bleak future offood,the end offood.Soylent预示着食物的未来不容乐观,甚至是食物的终结 。
53.Food is trouble.making and time.consuming.食物很麻烦和费时。
54.Last week,the first batch of commercial Soylent was delivered to other parts of the world.上周,批投入商用的Soylent已经被运往国外。
55.The film is on the background of a visionally terrible future,in which people live by Soylent owing to the overpopulation and pollution.这部电影以一个想象的悲惨未来为背景,由于人口过多和环境污染,在未来世界里,人们只能依靠Soylent为生。
考后首发:2014年12月英语四级真题及答案 关注微信加QQ群对答案
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