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Part II (15 minutes)

Most customers of Churchill's Restaurant are_______
A) tourists
B) old customers
C) newcomers
D) drunks
3、 With the economic recovery, new localism tends to_______.
A) influence future less
B) gradually die away
C) become stronger
D) spread worldwide
4、 What was undermining the society according to Robert Putnam?
A) Spatial mobility.
B) Suburbanization and growing mobility.
C) Rootlessness and anomie.
D) Civil malaise.
5、 The stay-at home trends have accelerated since 2006 mainly because_______.
A) the recession began to expand
B) the population increased greatly
C) it was harder to sell houses and find jobs
D) the baby boomers had retired
6、 What will the tendency of settledness result in?
A) The decline of big supermarkets.
B) Revival of traditional communities.
C) Close neighborhood feel.
D) Prosperity of local newspapers.
7、 According to Kilborn's book, people relocate constantly to _______
A) find new challenges
B) refresh themselves
C) get a promotion
D) get independence
8、 Demographer Wendell Cox predicates that _______
A) the family-centric focus will be more common
B) more people will take full-time jobs at home
C) one in 10 people will have a part time job
D) IBM will change its work pattern
9、 When visiting the US in 1830s, Alexis de Tocqueville found that the nature of the country was
10、 With the fading of hurried mobility, _______is returning, providing more choices for individuals, fami-lies and communities.
11、 The changes from bedroom community to _______in places like Long Island make profits for local economy.

Most customers of Churchill's Restaurant are_______
A) tourists
B) old customers
C) newcomers
D) drunks
3、 With the economic recovery, new localism tends to_______.
A) influence future less
B) gradually die away
C) become stronger
D) spread worldwide
4、 What was undermining the society according to Robert Putnam?
A) Spatial mobility.
B) Suburbanization and growing mobility.
C) Rootlessness and anomie.
D) Civil malaise.
5、 The stay-at home trends have accelerated since 2006 mainly because_______.
A) the recession began to expand
B) the population increased greatly
C) it was harder to sell houses and find jobs
D) the baby boomers had retired
6、 What will the tendency of settledness result in?
A) The decline of big supermarkets.
B) Revival of traditional communities.
C) Close neighborhood feel.
D) Prosperity of local newspapers.
7、 According to Kilborn's book, people relocate constantly to _______
A) find new challenges
B) refresh themselves
C) get a promotion
D) get independence
8、 Demographer Wendell Cox predicates that _______
A) the family-centric focus will be more common
B) more people will take full-time jobs at home
C) one in 10 people will have a part time job
D) IBM will change its work pattern
9、 When visiting the US in 1830s, Alexis de Tocqueville found that the nature of the country was
10、 With the fading of hurried mobility, _______is returning, providing more choices for individuals, fami-lies and communities.
11、 The changes from bedroom community to _______in places like Long Island make profits for local economy.