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  47. O

  48. E

  49. N

  50. K

  51. D

  52. L

  53. G

  54. M

  55. C

  56. I

  57. D) She is fed up with the issue of gender discrimination.

  58. B) the very fact that she is a woman.

  59. B) People’s stereotyped attitude towards female scientists.

  60. C) More female students are pursuing science than before.

  61. D) Women can balance a career in science and having a family.

  62. A) one cannot use them at the same time.

  63. C) attempting to edit as they write.

  64. A) To get one’s ideas down.

  65. A) it does not help them to think clearly.

  66. D) It refines his writing into better shape.

  67. C) injured

  68. C) Almost

  69. B) across

  70. A) personnel

  71. D) in

  72. A) arrival

  73. B) provided

  74. C) never

  75. A) mixed

  76. D) as

  77. C) under

  78. D) facilities

  79. B) dreaming

  80. A) farming

  81. B) nothing

  82. C) lines

  83. A) estimate

  84. D) away

  85. C) recovery

  86. B) from

  87. Take people’s sleeping quality into consideration

  88. the field in which we can cooperate

  89. decided to give up the competition

  90. contact us at the following address

  91. if it is convenient to you(感谢恩波黎景杰老师、黄三省老师、恩波 四六级团队支持。)

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